【Fallout4 フォールアウト4】グダグダが楽しいベリーハード!ナナはやっぱりポンコツです!ゲーパス PC版※ネタバレ注意

Hello everyone, I’m Nana. I’d like to do a Full Out 4 live stream again today. Shi-san Kobol and Ruff-san Kobold Clippers Kobold Kuma-chan Kobold I’ll do my best and I’ll do my best today as well. Today, um, about two things happened like last time. I’m going to do the quest that I did. Kuchiyo-san, Raph-san, Conball and I’ll continue to ask. Um, Nezue. What is this? What is this? Collecting people with bad kidneys . This is from the concert. The best of the concert. Let’s finish one thing , Mr. Ring, and uh , watch slowly. Let’s all have a free boy. This is the one from Kosa, and we’re doing this right now, and we’re going to keep doing this, and then we’ll have to do it again, Ada, Ada-chan. I wonder if this is the quest for General Atomics. Check out the principal. This has also occurred, so let’s do this as well. Besides these two, there is also a quest from McCready. You can do this as well, but for now, let’s do this. I’m thinking of doing Eda-chan’s quest after I want to interact with the human beings, but I made a mistake and said, uhm, it’s obvious that I’m weak right now, but I like to force myself to go. So, let’s force ourselves to go.Ao- nii-san , let’s decorate everything.We don’t know what’s going to happen.We don’t know how many times we’ll die, so we don’t know how many times we’ll die.Well, it’s everyone’s job to save.Save Police Today, please. I said Containing and I said Kobold Combo Containing Are you okay? I wonder if I’m okay today. I might be a little tired today. I don’t know what game I’m playing with my brother , so here it is last time. There’s a legend ahead of me, right? I’ll do the rig. Maybe my head is full of that. It’s not enough. Well , that’s right. Maybe I’m a little crazy. Can’t I raise it? Can I raise it at 39? Armor, hey. I can raise my level by 2. I can raise it. That’s right. That’s right. There was already a greeting like this. It’s probably the reason why I’m so angry. I’m already traumatized. I cried. I cried. I’m using that right now. Debara’s weapon is 80% more damage for Deliverables.By the way, the current Devara’s is 59. I wonder if it’s over 60. This and this can’t be raised until level 42, so it can’t be helped, right? It’s 5966. Isn’t it too high? 7 It’s gone 7 It ‘s gone Gunslinger Gunslinger I’ve gotten stronger, so I wonder if this will change my attack a bit.Also, I’m not sure if I’m using a rifle or rifle right now.I’ve gotten stronger.I wonder if I should go for stealth or something. Is it better to triple the damage of the stealth attack? Or do I find the stealth here and there ? I want to take the one that is hard to find. I also want to see the sniper naji. The rifleman should also bring a shotgun. Really, it’s a rifle right now. The parts I use are sniper rifles and rifles. Ah, shotguns and this and that are rifles. Thank you for giving me the rifle. Good information. I was about to take the wrong one. Semi-auto rifle damage increased by 60%. Now I see it. First of all 89 1221259 Yes everyone remember 89121259 Yes everyone taking notes is so noisy I’m sorry sorry I remember 8 I just took notes 89 121 159 159 It’s all messed up at the end Thank you everyone Thank you everyone Thank you everyone I’ll take a quick photo Thank you for really doing this. Thank you, I got 102. 89 became 102. 121 became 139. 259 became 271. All the weapons I have now are stronger. Toll-free number, toll-free number, etc. This is a bit of a weapon. I can go and buy 10mm. Hey, I’m dangerous with 10mm . I’ll never run out of this. Can I get it? I can’t fly here. I’m sorry. I’m going to buy bullets. Bring water. I’m keeping it somewhere, right now, I’ve been walking a lot with you, you, and this person.In fact, I don’t have a bird’s eye view of the battle world.I have to buy something bigger than Strong knows. After all, you can make things like Diamond City Diamond City and a bead making machine . I don’t know if there’s even a DLC like that. I won’t know unless everyone tells me. It depends on what you want to do. No, I want to kill time. I should have refused. What should I do? I wonder if it’s the same thing again. I wonder if they’ll make it as a real job. I’ll make it again. I’ll use raw junk to make it. What should I do ? Do you have it? I’m in a bit of a mess. I have a repair kit. Raiya. Thank you, Ake-san, for Kobold. I’ll do my best on the adventure. Valentine. Why is it that I’m allowed to live in town ? I’m okay with just one person. Everyone knows that he’s an android. It’s okay , this is it. I want this bullet [music] and I’m going to buy it . Is the slatter hand-made from a real one? If you’re interested, I’ll see if it’s good. Of course, I’ll take a look at it. It’s all a bit of a mess. 80 It’s easy to forget something after being left alone for so long, and I feel sorry for you if you don’t have something to say that you’re actually going to do it, but even if you call someone else, it’ll only make you feel more anxious. Let’s say it’s about 500,600. Let’s go buy something else. [Music] I’m sure you’re wearing tattered clothes. Everyone went out today. Did you go out? Oh, I know the water business. You sold it early. Give it to me now. I didn’t come up with a weapon that can deal with any situation. I didn’t come up with one either. I have time to take a quick look. I can deal with any situation. It looks dazzling outside. I haven’t been out for a while lately, so when I go out, I get dazzling. It’s so hot that I’m starting to sip, pash, pash, pash, pash, pash, it’s so hot, it’s melting, it’s melting, he’s a vampire, he’s really a vampire , he’s probably going to live like a vampire , because there are sheep and sheep [Music] Door to Door But there aren’t any, so there’s a little bit more of them.There are goats, too.Why are they goats ? Self-sufficient goat milkHmm , is that person here? Wait, it’s been a while.Oh, we need military supplies for the battle.It’s an interesting battle.What’s going on? The general is selling a lot of stuff . Image of him eating cheese at 900. I love cheese. I’m Mihiko-san. I help Kobolds and make mistakes. Kobolds are collecting bullets and buying bullets . Tone Courser joins up with Courser and turns out to be super strong. Nana – chan is still very strong. They go to battle . It’s a game, so this is Fool Out Humm, so I’m going to die, so it’s going to be on Nana-chan [Music] Oh, there’s a cap in there [Music] I don’t know what to do. It’s a little weird. Are you okay? [Music] There’s a strong shotgun displayed here. Do n’t forget it, I’m going to go on a trip with Kosar now. Concert [Music] The edibles are getting so low that we’re about to go to battle. If you forgot something, tell me you forgot. Tell me you forgot. Do we need protective suits ? [Music] Liberta, the ship’s attendant. Rear atmosphere What does Scosco mean? What does it mean to pack? Should I bring lots of water? There’s a lop, so it’s fun to ride. There’s also a lop A. I like it [music] It means I like the atmosphere . I understand. Let’s bring some water. It’s heavy, but I’ll drink some water right away. Okay, everyone. Sorry to have kept you waiting. You haven’t revived yet . Your weapons have gotten stronger, but your armor hasn’t. [Music] From fire. I have to do some damage. I’ll try my best not to get attacked. It’s impossible . Even if I die, I ‘ll have to repeat it over and over again . Thank you for being so prepared. Um, armor. By the way, I’m currently using Ballistic Weave 4. That’s all. 90 I’m here just for the charisma. Heb and tok is good. It’s great. Even if it’s a cancer, there’s no point in it . It’s a different type of restraint. It’s a charismatic type of binding. This isn’t it . It’s a strange glasses binding. But it’s like that after defeating him. I do n’t need it . I can’t open this. If I change Eira-chan, I ‘ll be able to pick 6 or something. [Music] Oh, I see. [Music] The legend of the present The legend I’m loading from there again, so I’m alive . There may be enemies near Ani Pass . I’m cheating. No matter what’s here, I’m right now. Mr. Jiham couldn’t pick up Kunball and Heaven. It’s gone ah ah ah, it’s in a way that came out of the way that came out. It was a hindrance. What did you come to me? I wonder if it’s hellish hard, so I can’t see it, just in the square. I wonder if I can just go to the room indoors. I’m stealthing. I’m stealthing. Back pain [music] Oh no . Let’s go this way. I’ve proven that I don’t have any lower backs . I think I’m going to get a lot of punches. I don’t know where this is going. In the end, I did it. Everyone did it. A-chan did it. It’s better than last time. Finally, let’s go to the legend. But Escroon’s hand is still there, and what ‘s the sound ? I can’t do the missile mini-nu, I can’t do it . If I go with this flow, I’ll fall. I’ll fall. I’ll fall. What should I do? I can see the cracks and I’ll be able to climb up . This is where oh, wait a little wait, wait a minute, and I want to get here, so I ‘m calm and I’m okay . I’m fine now. What’s going on ? Thank you . It’s almost night. Where’s the bed? Is there a bed? [Music] Isn’t it okay? Save Thank you. Where’s the legend? I’m not here. I want to play the legend. It looks like it’s around there. I wonder if it’s dead. It came from a different direction than last time. If I had a bed, I’d sleep. I made a mistake. It’s the wreckage of a huge ship. It ‘s okay, everyone. I’m not drunk. How can I get there ? What should I do here ? I can’t find food. I can’t sit down. I can’t sit down. There’s nothing here. [Music] This is it. Haha. It’s a battle. It’s a grenade. The grenade I just threw. It’s really strong. I can’t see it . I wonder if I’ll be able to hit it. [Music] I’ll protect the target. [Music] Go ahead . That’s what I thought. I was hit. A frag grenade just came flying at me. I was surprised. I didn’t even pay attention to what was behind me. That’s right. Where is that ? It’s true. That’s what happened . I want to make it bright again. First of all, it’s not dark. I can see everyone. I don’t have to worry about that here. It ‘s so painful, isn’t it? There’s something amazing going on. I can’t sleep. I can’t sleep. I wonder if there ‘s a serious target. I wonder if this is getting stronger. [Music] I wonder where she is. She ‘s gone. [Music] Legend Where is the legend ? Is the version dead ? Is it falling ? Where is it? Where is this? It’s a mess . It’s bad. It’s not moving. Don’t fall. Don’t fall. Please don’t fall . [Music] I’ll make you suffer as much as I can. I understand. There ‘s something wrong with sex. What about this? What about this? What about this? I want a weapon, but I wanted one. I was able to defeat him anyway. I see . I see, that kind of thing can happen . I don’t want a weapon. When the state planning goes up , you’ll be good at cooking. If you’re a good skater, you’ll want to be a king. You ‘ve got brothers. There are a lot of giants that have gone out and disappeared. Isn’t it possible that someone will get hit while crossing the ropeway? Is this it? Wait a minute, this is not it. Eda-chan, Eda-chan’s voice always bothers me a little. Ah, support. Yes, my wife isn’t here [Music] I took down the target. Is it okay ? I go and go. Is it okay ? Is it okay? Shem isn’t there. This is so strong [Music] I’m all over the place Please leave this to me Stop it, stop it Wait a minute, wait a minute, I didn’t make the right decision I should have attacked [Music] Hey, wait a minute, I get it, I get it, everyone’s worried. Teru Right? [Music] Run away, you’re scared . The people in close proximity were strong. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, wait a minute, uh, what should I do? [Music] Ah, I could do this all day long. There’s so much up there. It seems like there’s someone here. This is the first time I’ve seen this kind of dysfunction. [Music] It’s like someone’s coming down. [Music] Oh yeah, that’s the kind of thing that makes you forget things. It’s really not there . Let’s go back to normal. Thank you. [Music] This is it. They both have the same thing, and it seems like they’re on top.The music is surprisingly weak.Can’t you hear it?It looks like there’s another person on top.If we get this far, let’s change it. I guess it’s okay, don’t you think? [ __ ] I’ve eliminated the Copa. Distance: 0. The poor guy is strong . I wonder what he was doing before. It’s a mug. I’ll try to get the mug. It seems like I can sleep with this . Close-up combat is a bit long-range. I’ll forget how tough it is. The cat who makes me forget this. Where does it come from ? Is it there? Lami, that’s the one I like, the one from Tellus, even better . Whiskey 1. Step , that’s Ada-chan . If you finish Kedo-chan’s quest , there will be something. You’ll be able to use something . Shall we do that? Please wait a moment. I have to tell you something important. Let’s take a look. Okay. However, I will ask someone close to me.I will give you the recall code for B592.When he hears that code, his cognitive process will be reset and he will be incapacitated.I will change it to B592 and return it to the shipping state . Go ahead, once he’s shut down, we can safely transport him to the Institute. Avoid force. I understand. I want to avoid unnecessary violence. That doesn’t mean he’ll be alone. Violence is unavoidable. That’s it . We can leave as soon as we’re ready. [Music] I don’t need anything. Right now, I’m going to get a bar plate. I’m going to get a silver plate. Is there anything else in the future? That’s fine , but [Music] Niku, oh, this, Lulufurft Terrible, it’s amazing, it increases the damage and the damage to limbs by 25%, but the recoil also increases.Thanks for this being a shotgun.By the way, the shotgun I’m using right now is Damage increases by 25 This also increases damage by 25% if you modify it Ah, this one is definitely better . Is it the same type? It seems like there are a lot of inquiries. Yeah, that’s good, Mr. Tomcat. If you do that, the recoil will be a big thing, and you won’t be able to use it there. Full auto or semi-auto would be fine. That kind of recoil is amazing. Now that I’m firing it, this is it. Ah, just another normal shotgun that looks like this. That’s completely different. Even if you try to reduce the recoil, it won’t work. If you change the parts, you can go home, but if you do that, you won’t be able to see that it loses its strengths. You can’t see it . Even with this [music], write something important. I don’t have a full auto perk, so it’s better not to set it to full auto.If I use full auto, it’s better not to use it.It ‘s better to use flute instead.It’s okay to use flute. Don’t go out here. The road is long, but I got stuck. [Music] I kept thinking I was doing this wrong. But there was a place I could go to. There was a staircase that went up . Oh, it’s coming out Marker As expected, I’m a little long to load It’s long Oh, this is persuasion Is it persuasion Tell me it’s hard to steal from the gig I’ll take you home Use the recall code B 592 initialization Certification 7: Are you okay ? Did they do something? Are you going to kill them ? I’m sorry, I’m sorry , I thought I could go. The Institute is a serious and hard-working Federation. Gabriel, you’re not what you think you are, you’re an android , I’m trying to take you home.What the hell are you talking about? Gabriel, you’re not what you think you are. I have memories of my life, I know where I grew up, I know who my parents are, explain to me, here we go, I’ll make things simple, be happy now or I wouldn’t have killed you guys . Just don’t kill me. Don’t listen to these guys. They’re going to mess with your head. So shut up. You heard me? Don’t say anything. I’m sorry, but I’m on orders.B 592 What [Music] and Preparation for Extinction Is it okay? I’ve completed the rim. Hey everyone . Last time I did it, it was so bad that I didn’t feel like I could win , but I was able to get out of it. It was surprisingly easy. Well, I guess it was a good idea to strengthen the weapons. [Music] I don’t need a terminal . Can I go home now? [Music] Hey, I’m going to the Courser, not the Courser. Thank you, Parza, to the Father. I’m going to go report where I am. Mr. Ka- san must have been fishing in Convolt . I’m glad he came back safely to the Hazard Room. I know it was a difficult mission, but the rogue Androids are in danger. I needed them to see it with their own eyes.I’m glad it’s over.Gabrielle and the others were angry people who would hang their victims as memorials to their hunting spree.These two sacrificed themselves, but they couldn’t do anything. The only consolation I have is knowing that the threat has been eliminated, but the mission has been accomplished and the Androids have safely returned to us. I hope that we can achieve even better results. I’ll prepare a dormitory between Tarusu and have all the basic necessities. Weapons and equipment are also big and you should go and try them out. I’m sure you’ll like it. I’m headed to the warriors. I understand this now. Marker. It’s hard to go later [Music] Hey, where can we go from here ? Where can we go from here? That’s the one with the long 1m class at the end. Should we go to this ? Father is just a leader for us. Remember that the clock mark is your dormitory.The clock mark is 3.The clock mark is 3.This is the mess I caused.This is the new dormitory.Isn’t there anything like that ? I want something like that arrow.Here, here. It’s like over there, it’s not the teles, it’s um, I’m going to remove the ceramic and I’m going to cook it tomorrow , and I’m talking about boiling it down.Here’s [music].What ‘s this white coat ?Okay, let’s get it. Or Damba Jamba [ Music] Sashimi made outside of a white coat ca n’t be made into sashimi. You can get it in the Federation. This, this, this person is here . This person hasn’t done anything anymore . Isn’t it you? Don’t forget that Yuki is moving. Why are androids human? I don’t know the difference between this and that. I’m not this person. I’m More, Hilmore’s son. The son of Kaede, I wonder if he ‘s done now. I wonder if he can make it. I’m not very good at it . I want you to tell me, what would you do if someone stole something from you ? What are you talking about? A question that includes theft. What was stolen? What property belongs to the Institute? It’s sad to be robbed , but if something like that happens, we ca n’t let it go.A group calling themselves the Railroads has lost track of a number of Androids from the Institute over the past few months. They want to free these androids who have obtained their bodies.Are you talking about assuming that androids have sentience ? I’m sure you understand the sentiments based on it.If you have Gazi, you can make it.You should make it.They’re doing it in good faith.They’re doing it in good faith.They’re just doing what they think is right.Dealing with the Sword of Ibertalia. What they received is the end of their selfish and prohibitive thinking.Usually, they are no big deal, but lately they have become more bold than before, and it’s about time we had to respond. If I don’t ask Shima, I already know the current location of these androids, and I have to get them back before the Railroad hides them.It seems like it will be difficult to get them out, but what about Aji? I’d like to hope not , but it’s important to use this sword to start killing. I don’t want the BOS to get wind of the androids before the Railroad knows we’ve detected their location. It’s just going to get complicated. Let’s get started. Let’s get started right away. There ‘s a mediator waiting for us right outside Bunker Hill. Good luck. We ‘ve got to inform Raildort over there. It’s a waste of time . This is the Institute. The quest is the main quest, and if you choose the mini side by doing it, you ‘ll get the mini side route.I forgot that, and they were always going on at the same time, so I don’t know what to do with which one. It’s hard to go with just one , so I don’t know, so for the time being, I should just put this institute guy. I feel like I’m progressing with the main game when Railroad knows me and Bakahill is progressing . Bi is strengthened, but I’m not hostile to him. And San-san, Kobold is not Kodekonde . Kobold. He told me that it was a waste of options . The Battle of the Red Ducks [Music] It’s all about the battle, and the demand is high. Well, we’re doing well here, and we ‘re doing our part to let everyone know. Okay, so what should we do? A little main story. There are so many places I want to move forward, but I think I’ll put this aside for now and do this. Ada-chan’s Elena I saw a Mechanist robot at the Atomics factory. I heard I saw a Mechanist robot. Here’s something that will lead to the discovery of the Mechanist’s whereabouts. I think I’ll do some research on General Atomic Assistant, where I might find something.It’s my first time doing this, and I can also do things at the same time.Are you okay? I’m thinking about modifying the shotgun. Well , I think it’s a good idea to fight against robots. Meat frying looks delicious . Meat frying looks delicious. Hey, I’m making something that will make you laugh. Well, this is it. I ‘m going to go hard for now. Once you make it hard, hiking in the rain is the hardest thing.Is it auto or powerful?I can’t raise the power level anymore.I can’t raise it anymore.Is it powerful ?This is it Even though it is, it has improved quite a bit. Give it this. Is it okay to leave the magazine as it is? How much can the drum magazine hold ? Restore the normal mid-range rate. This is the main story. The main story. It’s better to use Sesa. The range will be shortened, but this seems to be the limit. It’s okay to try it when it comes . You won’t need this combat shotgun anymore . [Music] 130 Is that good? Is this okay ? The recoil is really bad, but what should I do ? Attack power is good. Ah, competition. Oh, I can’t read Compesator . I’m confused because I don’t realize that.The attack power is the same, but if I raise one more perk, I can suppress the recoil.Everyone , there’s one thing I’d like to ask you. Damage and damage to limbs? This is just damage, but damage to limbs. It stops the rain right away. It’s a weight. It’s heavy. Now, let’s put this shotgun away. I like this. Just use this. It might be a good idea to try it out.I see.I see.I guess I should make something that can control the reaction and then go home. [Applause] Which one [music]? If that happens , the enemy won’t be able to chase you.If you get injured or something like that, you ‘ll have an advantage in the battle. [Music]Usukiko [Music] Or handgun competition.It’s good to have Yuke-san, Kobol, and Ada-chan from now on. I’m about to go do a quest [Music] I’m still watching it slowly [Music] Well, he has high durability and it’s hard to defeat him, so if you use his limbs, he’ll turn into Yuri.Also, even if you hit his torso, he won’t aim for the limbs because they react to the limbs. If that’s a good idea, okay with the luggage, Ta-chan, I’ll go with you. Please sell me some empty bullets . Are you going to need to get something? Yeah, I see. I’ll take a look. I ‘m always happy to sell. It’s dark in here, it’s really dark, and I have a shotgun for now . [Applause] Yeah, let’s go to the battle in the morning. [Music] It’s a little far away, so it might have been a good idea to leave in the middle of the night. I can’t hear the radio until now. It was quiet because I turned it off. [Music] Strong wants to know more about the world. Strong wants to know more about you. This is heaven and earth where you don’t have to rush and just do what you can. [Music] Hey, it’s pretty real. There’s a lot of remodeling and stuff like that. Everyone’s coming to pick up the flowers, so if anyone wants to wait, let’s go together. Don’t worry [laughter] Taata also said that earlier and it made me feel weird . Thank you for listening to me all this time. Thank you for continuing to fight. I’ll continue to do it. A robot that turns into a peko flies away from the Quinnet restaurant. Is there such a thing as a good weapon for a robot that does its best to fight? Ordinary bullets are fine, and something like a laser is better. Mr. Ripper, Kobold, slowly look at Mr. Nerikan, his name has changed. He ‘s my weapon. I don’t have it . It’s dead. It’s dead. What’s going on? I can barely see what’s there . Ada was shooting. Ada was making a sound. It was Nana-chan who was shooting . I want to eat grilled ice. It’s hot. It’s scary. It’s here or there [music] It’s a nice shotgun.It looks like you ‘ve stocked up on a lot of missiles , but you have to do this and that.In battle , you have to do it this way and that.In battle, shotguns, shotguns are strong and useful. Let’s take everything with us.It ‘s 37 degrees.It’s terrible.It’s heatstroke.Everyone, be careful and keep yourself hydrated.Oh, this is good.It seems that depending on the enemy, bullets or energy weapons are better, but I ‘ve never thought about it. Ah, I’ve never worried about it. It means that a strong weapon is strong, isn’t it? It’s 37 degrees, and now it’s 37 degrees, so something has exploded. What will happen next summer? When will the rainy season come ? The rainy season hasn’t arrived yet. It’s hot today. Even with the windows open, it doesn’t feel cool at all. There’s no wind. We’ve arrived at the Nelarat Mix Factory. Are there any other places like this? There aren’t any others like this . It doesn’t seem like we’ll be able to do it all at the same time . I was thinking for a moment that it probably won’t come this month, but it’s been a while since I’ve been able to get robot parts. I’m so excited to do this [music] . I wonder if it’s okay to be able to change various things, or whether it’s full or not. I wonder if it’s better to use a shotgun without a head shot. Oh, yeah , here, where did you go, where did you go, pay attention [Music] It’s dangerous, what’s more, it’s loud and it’s this and that’s a console sensor, a laser, a console sensor, uh, the robot has arms and legs , and the shotgun I mentioned earlier is effective, but it’s just a normal round shape. I wonder if things like that aren’t very effective against robots that do n’t have arms or legs. After all, this is a bug. Please tell me that . Like , that’s what I feel like. Ah, science. The critical damage dealt by Energy Weapon has been increased by 5%. Thank you. I haven’t won , but it’s ok. It looks like a Kapushi crest. I’m also inferior . This or Baumbot is no good . [Applause] Well, I’m sure there are a lot of people who are going to get sick, so I’m sure they’re doing well. I don’t think they’re feeling well, can you see? The current rice bran cola is hot over here. What should I do ? The story of 2000 yen for 5 kg . Pay attention to this. I’m a mecha. I ‘m going to bring you the story of America and America. It’s a hot topic. Naeko’s girl is a legend That’s how it is That’s how it feels That’s how it explodes It’s a rat, it’s a rat, it’s dangerous I’m going to have a good time 500 yen has gone up in 2 months [Music] Eh, what’s the request? What’s the request? What’s going on here now? I’m sure it’ll get on board I can just beat this. I wonder if it’s just a bug that doesn’t do anything. I’ve been investigating this and I can’t make any progress. It’s difficult to fly somewhere . It’s dangerous. That’s right . That’s it. I’m still at the top. Is there something there ? I wonder where it went. How do I get there? Were there stairs ? I switched to search mode and shot it from here. It was easy . Yeah, I’m worried about it in the future. I guess I’ll have to put it back in. Well , I can’t do it from now on.Last time [Music], last time I fought that person, I fought that person and it was resolved.When I played the quest, I only put up the time when it was cured. It didn’t work just that, but there’s some kind of bug in Tralast Devil. It’s been a bug since last time and I was doing other quests. Last time I was doing other quests and it seemed to be fixed, but it still happened again. The same bug has occurred It seems that the main focus will be on the set meal, where you can refill your meal freely.It’s an amazing service.Egg weighing, Free automaton,Random pop slider, Norara,Streville,I wonder if it’s going to look for the stray guy. As promised, I was flying by the side [Music] I was only able to get one mod here and there , so I’m happy and happy about that [Music] Well, I’m going to search for a lot of things in the sky. The idea is to go to Bakar Hill , but there are quests like that. Oh my god. I’ve never had one before. I endured it. [Music] I’ll leave this out for now, and finally go to Bakar Hill. I ‘ll do this or Mass Spa Interchange . Please come and have me come here for a second.Is there anything you need? Please help me.I’m sure you’ll be happy to give me some junk.I’ll accept your orders, though.You can raise the price. Karaoru is telling me to keep doing freedom , but Mika Asoka is doing freedom at the end.I think Strong should use the charm of human kindness right away and put it to work. [Music] Well , they’re raising prices, so if they’re free, I wonder where that McCready will go . Macready, where did you go for dinner ? What’s going on? Actually, I’ve been feeling a lot better since I last talked to you. There are n’t that many people. I should have tried harder. I wish you’d come back. Something was wrong. I only hear voices, I only hear voices. Someday, some super mutant will kill us all. I can’t see that voice. But I was there, I thought I’d forgotten about my arrival.It ‘s about time to leave.I was just bored, so let ‘s go.Is it okay to leave my weapons as is? Is there a similar interchange?If I can’t find one, I’ll go. Let’s go from there . It’s going to take a long time. [Music] Look for me. Find me. Defeat me. It’s beeping, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous , it’s running away. It might be dangerous here. Why are you hostile to me? That’s not true because I can’t fight against BOS [Music] Or I feel like there are a lot of accidents, but I guess it was only the red one that wasn’t attacked I went to the BOS guy. I’m starting to feel anxious about things like this.I’m getting more and more experience points, but I’m sorry, everyone.I’m going to do a BOS quest.My life is suddenly changing.I’m full of anxiety.Especially me.My life is full of anxiety. So, I’m totally fine with this.I’ll go back to the picture of Cambridge Police Station.It ‘s a mess , but let’s join up.Let’s get the power.Here , the number 1 is muffled.Mikan – san Paladin Dance.That ‘s it.The road is really long. Don’t wait, I love you, so I love that hat. I felt like I saw a cute hat, and I felt like I was short at all. But why, my mission is complete. The transmitter is here. I finally did it. This is such good news. You did a great job. I couldn’t have done it on my own. I’ve got a new one for Helen. I’m amazing, but I won’t let you down. Thank you. I promise I won’t let you down. I don’t need to prove myself any more. I’ve got a transmitter. It’s enough that I was given the chance to do so. So I decided to stay. I thought I was going to take what I had and leave it . That’s interesting in terms of body data. I had a choice, but I’m planning to become an Elder or join the Railroad. I wish you’d become an Elder or something, but if possible, I’m tired of wandering around alone. I feel sorry for you. I was getting used to the idea that you were going to disappear, but you ‘re a squirrel. We should learn to work together whether we like it or not. And you too need to understand what it means to be a BOS. We are an army, not paid soldiers. If you want to be someone who will protect strict morals with your life, then you have to follow that sentiment without any doubt. There’s no problem with that. If you’re going to get away with it, there’s no need for extra explanations. I’ll tell you straight to the point.No matter who you are, the two things I want from you are honesty and respect.Stay in line and walk together.If you receive an order, follow it.That’s simple.Also, there’s one more job I want you to complete, Knight. I’m planning on recommending you to be appointed to the same position.It won’t be official until you talk to Elder Maxson, but I want you to know first.Ebesu ‘s body data is common, thank you for being so knowledgeable. No need, just keep doing your job well and you’ll be fine. Ad Victoria Knight doesn’t even know what that means. Helen Ad Victoria means for the sake of victory. The word defeat is in our dictionary. There must not be, because we are fighting for the future of humanity.Our shout is stronger than any weapon you can use.Remember that.Now, we are both ordered to report to E, but we must do it in vain. Well, I’d like you to complete a few missions first. I ‘m sure they need your help. I’ll leave it to you. Let me know when you’re ready to leave. It’ll be great. The mod to revive the data is awesome. Yeah, whatever, Paladin Dance. Now, 880 yen , let ‘s board the Paladin Dance ship.I’ve never seen anything so amazing.It’s a breathtaking sight.We call this ship Pryduen.We have enough troops to set up a large formation. The ship is loaded with supplies.The fact that the ship has arrived means that Elder Maxson has also arrived.That means there will be a war.The war will end soon.If that person is on our side, the war will end immediately. That’s 100% certain. If they wanted to do it, they’d definitely have enough troops and fire to wipe out Diamond City without leaving any behind. That’s their goal. If history proves anything, it’s to show off overwhelming power. That means you can stop the fight before it gets too angry.As I said before, you’ll soon find yourself feeling even shorter in Prydwen.We both received orders to go to the roof of the police station to report. Come with me, let’s go on a little voyage , get on the Belge Bird, this is not weird, isn’t it funny ? Is it there ? Wait a minute. Is it here? Are we heading from here? Oh, that’s right. I don’t remember it at all. For now , let’s erase those two markers. It’s in the way. This is what we’re doing . It’s a hobby store. It’s amazing how many customers there are . It’s a hobby store. It’s a hobby store, but it’s really busy. It’s more than just a hobby. [Music] [Music] The heat has subsided a lot. I want to fly freely. I’m going to fly now. [Music] [Music] Let’s all go eat. Let’s all go to Mikan’s restaurant. Let’s go eat. I’m not planning on going, but I’m not going. I can’t go , but Samiko’s YouTube. It’s the internet world. We don’t all live in the same place, so we can’t have regular offline meetings or meet ups. It’s amazing . I might just watch it for a while. I’ll take a break at night. I’d like to see it in the morning. [Music] It’s dark outside, it’s a bit dark and hazy , so it’s not that long, it’s not that long. I guess the place I went through once isn’t that long . I don’t know if it’s because I put in DC or something, but Rodo isn’t long anymore. [Music] That’s a joke. [Music] What is this Belgipard going to do ? I’m going to BOS on this Belgipard . [Music] I’m a doctor and a lawyer who says some amazing things. I’ll be working on the space station next week. I’m sorry I didn’t have time to come out so suddenly Meltan Maxon came out.If you’re in pain even though you’ve had a lot of time, you can come and see me.It ‘s not called a men’s and ladies’ lunch, but if men can order it too, the portions are better than normal. I guess it does n’t mean I don’t have much . I’m always hungry. What can I do? I’m hungry when I’m at full power. Today, all I had was tomato juice. I’m hungry, Pan Pan Bolt. It’s pitch black right now, but the game isn’t over. I ‘m about to head to BOS on BOS’s Belge Bird. Well, there are a lot of people who ride these kinds of things, so I’ll take a look at the Minin, but it can be fired , and I recommend that you use it when you think of the times as the standard. Let’s set it aside.Be sure to decide before you start.I don’t want to mix things up.I’m going to do something.Is this what it was?It’s from here.I’m starting to think that the grilled chicken is delicious. We can’t stand up , but if we can’t stand up, there are no mutants out there.Both men and women are exposed to the same greed.If we fail, our enemies… It’s only a matter of time before we subdue all the people. It’s our responsibility to cleanse the Federation. All those ships have been there, and we’re willing to shed our own blood for it. We’re now on the final route to the airport. You’ll see Plié ahead of you. He’ll fall down with Lancer Captain Kells on the Rye Deck. Don’t leave my side. He did that. Boston Airport. He could do that. He could use it as a base. [Music] Hey, I don’t remember it at all. A crazy amount of time has passed since the third ship appeared.Soldiers , the USS.From this moment on, everything changes.I hope you’re ready.Forget the Constitution, the USS Conti. Sorry, I don’t remember it at all. No, that ‘s not the downloadable content. The one on that ship was on the Macready . It’s been there from the beginning. First of all, I would like to congratulate the recently returned Paladin on the success of his mission.Also, this is a new recruit, and I have already sent him to the battlefield as an initiate.Also, personally, I am the underwriter of Ganiwaru. I’d like to read your report. Rejoice. Elder Maxon has accepted my offer, and I ‘ll be working under you. Thank you. Now, my orders remain in Prie. Wait for instructions. I understand. Now, Ad Victoria Captain Ad Victoria Paradis Are you going to eat from here? Are you the person Paladin Dance was looking for? You don’t look like a soldier, but you don’t look like one. I’m sorry I disappointed you. This is an unfamiliar expression coming from a soldier who doesn’t want to be misled.If you want to win the highest position, you have to do better.I read the report on the paladin dance, and I think you will be a great asset to the BOS . Even if you’re with us, you’ll have a fair amount of discretion. But I want to make one thing clear: BOS came to Japan with one clear goal in mind : This ship. As the captain of the United States, I’m not going to let anyone jeopardize our mission, no matter how important he thinks he is. Of course, that’s all for now. Get ready and proceed to the command deck. Afterwards, Elder Maxson wants to talk to you. If you have any questions, please ask me now. If he does n’t answer, we’ll be disbanded. This doesn’t mean we have to proceed. There are no more questions. Now, go straight to the command deck. I want them to move towards dissolution. The Initiate ca n’t get down from here. It’s all we can do. We ‘re above here . Oh, here we are. The road to get here has been long and difficult. We were able to move things too quickly in reaching the federation , but it is thanks to the work of each and every one of you that exceeded expectations.You have achieved something different.You don’t know the reason or purpose, and you don’t even know the clues. What’s especially moving about it is that it was done without question.The ship is where it needs to be.It’s time to reveal our purpose and our mission.The Federation below us. The cells are being saved by a malignant lord known as the Institute , who must be removed before it infests the landmarks. They are repeatedly experimenting with dangerous technology that could bring about a second doom to the world. And so the Institute’s scientists have created a weapon that far surpasses the destructiveness of nuclear weapons. They call their imaginations "androids. " The idea that machines can think with their heads and pretend to be human is not only unpleasant, but also extremely dangerous.If not used correctly, it has the potential to drive us all to extinction, just like nuclear power. I have no intention of allowing the Institute to continue its series of experiments , but those who consider the Institute and their androids to be enemies of the BOS will quickly show a change of mercy. This operation will cost everyone a lot, and many lives will be lost, but it will save humanity from the most powerful thing: Ad Victoria, who doesn’t look old enough . Their eyes don’t look old [Music] But I know you care about them, but it’s about the people of the Federation. That’s what happened to them too, so I don’t know. Those who don’t understand are living in danger. If we don’t save them, we just hope it’s not too late. I can’t let the past repeat itself. I’m okay. I’m okay. In the report of the Paladin Dance, my thoughts on the matter were very clear. I have come to the conclusion that he will be of great help to us, and he is one of the combat officers that I rate most highly.With that in mind, I cannot recommend him better than this. I’ll give you the power armor consciousness to protect yourself on the battlefield, as equipment befitting the enemy you’re fighting against.Wear it with pride.I’ll do everything I can to help you.I have no doubts.In any case, first of all, let’s protect Prydwen and my subordinates. When you’re done, report back to the flight deck.Welcome to Prydwen, where we have new orders.Welcome to Prydwen.Soldiers will be honored.Reactor vibrations are minimized.Compression ratio is being adjusted.Su, we’re about to meet you for a dance. When should I come here ? How many dances are there? Everybody get out of here. Dance will report the situation from this person. Everything is going well. There’s no change. Okay, carry on. So dance? How was Elder Maxon here? He’s a hot guy. He’s a really hot guy. He’s his own. It seems like you’re taking responsibility for everything you say. Of course. How can I not take responsibility? I just want you to understand. I’ll be honest with you about how hard I worked to accept you so quickly. If you make a mistake, we’ll all sink together. Promise me a dance that won’t disappoint. I know you’re eager to hop into your power armor and take on the Institute, but things don’t seem right. In order to demonstrate my strength as a member of a team that has a certain order , I need to learn about the state of this ship and get to know the people.Since I have been asked to take over the role, I will proceed to take me with me when it is time to take action. I was squeezing the microphone. I got it. Let’s go. That’s great. I’m not going. Credit. I left the dance behind. I decided to go with the dance. I left it behind. I’m waiting for instructions. Paladin dance. Hope does the mission alone for a little while. You might have to, I’m not going to lie. This is stupid. It ‘s already 5pm, but that’s your decision. Come back alive. It’s okay. Here, here. If you want, you can cancel here. The cat’s dancing hat is so cute I can’t describe it, it’s so sticky I just need to cancel it. I’m trying to get knight promotion. I’m supposed to give it a try. Power armor. I’m supposed to report it 10 minutes ago. How many battles have I won? Even if it’s just another battle, I’ll have to fight again. Now, excuse me for listening to you, thank you. I want to go hunting. Well, I’m done with this place. Wait, this thing still can’t fly. I won’t do this. You can take this. It’s because of Maxon and BOS who are stopping the Institute. How did McCready get back from here? Do I have to proceed with the quest ? Should I go outside? [ Music ] Below is the truth. I can’t do it anymore . I can’t do it from inside the ship. If I go outside, I can do [music]. Now, I feel like we’ve become friends, so I’m not going to leave. I’m going to hang out inside for half a minute, and I’m going to have one more breath. Yo, is this the first time this is not a downloadable content? Well, I was able to fly, I was able to fly , thank you. Wait a minute. It’s hot, like today. Are you all home already after work? Or are you still at work ? It happened. I wonder if it will happen by advancing the BOS. I often hear that the base of the beer like board is " I ‘m sorry ". Yami, everyone’s drinking, but they’d rather fight. It means everyone has a good day off. Aja, everyone’s off, that ‘s what the board means. It’s at the appropriate level for the radio. I see, Cardo wants to go as soon as possible. It’s my turn to finish the main part quickly. What am I here to do? Get along well with everyone. In the morning, the world is bigger than Strong knows. [Music] Please be careful. It’s really hot. You should turn on the air conditioner. Work. It ‘s a simple thing where you can eat a meal.If it’s your day off, you’re just lazing around in a cool room with the air conditioner on.Everyone ‘s on the computer.They’re saying, “N-” all the time.There’s Premol, Super Dry, Heineken, Budweiser, and Ebisu in the fridge. I’m cold. I’m going to be your advisor . I’m sitting in front of my computer with only my victory suit closed . I wonder if it’s online. I’m holding the fan at arm’s length. It looks like there’s a fan right in front of me. I’m in a meeting . Eh, I’m in a meeting, so I lost someone.Ah, you’re pretending to be working and watching my stream.Are you okay?That’s okay, by the way, I like the bottle.I like the Budweiser bottle.Mr. Ebisu , hey , let’s all have a toast. I don’t know what to do. This is my first time having a malfunction. I just finished one quest, so let’s go take a look. Cheers. Cheers. Congratulations. I don’t want to celebrate anything. What should I toast to? Wait a minute . This is what this is . Let’s go see Bob Blay. I couldn’t advance a while ago , so it’s been a while, so maybe I’ll be able to see it . If this doesn’t work, I might as well do one more quest. That’s good, but the enemies have appeared. It’s not here, I killed it , so what do you think? The label and the bottom are not cold. If it’s not cold, it doesn’t taste good. It’s here, it’s here, it’s here , it’s here , it’s here, it’s here , it’s here , how do I get there? I haven’t taken the server. There was a legend that I don’t remember at all anymore.I guess I should watch Roboplane first.It’s not that good.Here, Dad was watching the Kobolds.Everyone, everyone, has been revived. Thank you Goripapa -san , always drinking , thank you, thank you. I got it . I’m glad I got it Hey, shout out to me, shout out to me, Dad. Why haven’t you said hello to me lately? I guess you’re thanking me. It’s unstable. It’s a bit weird if it’s like this every time. Even though you’re always looking at me, it’s the first time I’ve noticed it on Super Chat. Thank you. Hiding is a hobby, I get it. So I won’t say any more. It’s a lie. You’re watching me. Let’s come out and come out more. I’d be happy if there were any comments. Just saying hello is fine. I’m watching your appeal. I’d be happy if you could at least make an appeal . I’m watching from behind the scenes, so it’s scary, scary, really scary, but I’m happy. There’s got to be a legend somewhere, Mr. Kakko. Please don’t shoot me. I know it’s always so bad. It only comes out when I’m in trouble. Where are you looking? What are you looking at? Everyone’s so happy . You don’t have to say it later , so you don’t have to say it later, so just wait a little while [music] and then don’t do that.That’s why I can’t say anything to you.I’m getting bored, so don’t do it . Do your best, try your best, I’m watching you and thinking, “I’m so happy .” I don’t have anyone else to confess to. I wonder if all the other guys are gone. There was a legend just now. Maybe they’re all gone, but that’s right, Mikan-san was also at the climax. It was 11 o’clock, so I climbed up just now. Maybe that’s due to a bug. I don’t think there’s even one of them. He’s a legendary child. But there were 23 people, but none of them are there because I’m mistaken . They’re not really there. They’re different around here. Yeah, I’m embarrassed to comment, but I thought it was for me . Even the remains are gone. Hey , is this like this every time ? This enemy is scary with bugs and freezes. Bugs are scary too, but the bugs are scarier. Save your save data. It’s better to make a proper save normally. Quip save . You should save. If you open this, something will happen. Even if you open this, you might be able to access it from the top. You don’t need to open it. You can go from the top . You’re afraid the bottom will go wrong. There’s something you can’t do. That’s what you did earlier. On the other side, let’s go back to Edan. It’s going to take some time. Nice to meet you, Bobol . I’m currently doing the downloadable content Chanda-chan’s quest. Please take your time. First-time viewers are welcome. [Music] It’s a bit long to load. I think I should explain that to the PC version. It’s the PC version. I’m using the PC version of Gepas. Well, I just installed downloadable content for the first time last time. It’s my first time doing it. The download controller really talks to me. Just saying that it was my first time seeing it really got me going, but my wife was smiling and shooting at me, what was going on, what were the comments, where was Aid-chan, etc. I don’t know who is where anymore. E-chan It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to open the terminal. Yeah, I’m playing Automaton on my XBOX right now. I’m playing Automaton right now. I have to speak properly during the broadcast. If I don’t speak, I’ll think the broadcast is over. My journey with you It’s quite encouraging.Did you recover something from the robot? Comment said it was for sale, so Comment is a strange device.It has this strange device.Let ‘s take a look.It’s an amazing technology.If my analysis is correct, this is special. It’s a radar beacon that the Mechanist was probably using to track down the Robobrains he destroyed . Oh, this is still going on. This quest is a solid plan. Sounds like a solid plan. I’m happy to agree. Proper installation requires the specifications of the robot workbench and my presence. To be more time efficient, I’m starting to do the same now. Let’s do it at level 13 and start with Automatron That’s right. There is an order like that. Let’s come and go inside of me. I made it, right? I’ll protect you strong. I’ll make it again. I’ll take care of your back . The same progress 1. After I put it away , I was able to go . Is there a bug? Is there a bug? Anyway, it’s a bug right now. It’s a powerful tool for robot work. It allows even the weakest minds to create complex robots. It’s like that over there. What’s the name of the robot? It’s like that over there. Wait, I can’t remember that. It’s like Gray Garden. It’s like Gray Garden. Jire-san Kobol [Music] and Good Afternoon. Yeah, and I’m a weak-minded person. I’m saying something like, Wait a minute , I can’t take care of the store. I’m a little worried about the rads. I’m having fun, and the lats are coming after me. Okay, how about it? I’m playing 76, but it’s a continuous error. By the time it fell 76 , an update had been added. Mr. Clear, thank you for your hard work earlier . It’s a little, but thank you. Please play a little. That freedom. It’s free here, so everything is free. Please enjoy it, Channk . I love showers 76 Hey, the season update just came. That’s what I expected. Mr. Offton, Conball and the update might affect it. What are you talking about? Oh , are you ready to set up the Ada radar beacon? I want to get my feet wet. It’s time to get started . Installation is easy. When I enter the robot workbench, please set up the radar beacon. Ah, I’ll do it here. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’ll be a good conversation partner at the moment. I can only get Dosatron’s legs from Sasatron. I’m not going to listen to what they’re going to put on it.This should be interesting.I’m not going to listen to what they’re going to do.I’m going to attach a radar beacon to Ada.How do I attach a radar beacon?I’m curious about what they ‘re going to make next. Well, if it’s a robot, there’s a possibility of dropping it. It’s not specific. There was a big update at 12 o’clock, so it can’t be helped , but that means more things can be done. Is this the lower beacon module? It’s white with something like an antenna on it. It’s okay to leave, but the wait paid off . Updating the software for the new hardware. Installation complete. Analyzing the Mechanist’s hardware. The decon is receiving encrypted powerful signals, but it’s definitely coming. I can’t start. Still a good start. I hope you can help me. Luckily I detected another robobrain in the Federation that was receiving the same signal. I finally got some useful information. I finally got some useful information. Okay, but it’s not that simple. The signal is intricately encoded, but it’s possible to decipher it. If we get two more beacons, we ‘ll have the keys and algorithms we need to expand our decoding routine . Just the fan. No, let’s do it. We’re uploading RoboBrain’s location to Pipboy. Please be careful. Those robots move in groups, so there’s a chance they’ll meet some strong resistance. I’m a little worried about whether we’ll be able to proceed with this, though . Also, the weapon is an arm , it’s like Aretha, it’s a melee attack, but now there’s [music], and the flow of the assault is the weapon.This is the Assaultron’s left hand.The weapon requires a perk to make the arm. It’s true. It’s fine because it’s already attached, but this area can only produce a low-pitched spray that has a good firing rate. Auto laser. Left hand laser. Auto. Auto laser. This is an automatic laser. I need that kill. Is this the left hand ? Fire speed increases This [Music] Laser right hand Is there a laser on my right hand? Nothing on my right hand I have a laser on my right hand I’ve said it twice I said it twice Protect my left hand Hey, Auto Auto Protectron hand shop, this is Protectron, left hand auto laser. I can recommend this [Music] . The right hand is, ah, the armor is better [Music]. The right hand is Lil, it’s Roman. Now the right hand is the laser. But I think it would be better to use a two-handed laser.I guess that’s not possible.Right-hand sound laser.Two-handed auto [music] Laser.Something like melee is better here.This is a laser for the right hand.I do n’t understand why the right-hand auto laser protects the right hand too. One side is for close range only, one is for close range, then this is it, the right hand is an auto laser, and the left hand is now the protect one, oh, no, no, no, this is the assault tron, isn’t this good ? I don’t have enough level. Also, there was no protection drill or anything like that. I couldn’t do that . [Music] Spinning around. Assaultron’s hand spinning . Attack power. Daba melee is a trill. What is this? Is this a park? I can’t read English a bit , but this is fine. There are 2 damage . I feel like it’s fine as is . Can’t you see the robot on the right side? [Music] I can’t read it. It’s always fascinating to watch you work. It ‘s Blacksmith. Thank you. Blacksmith. Blacksmith. Gunsmith What is Blacksmith? How good is it? Where is Blacksmith? Tron is this. Strength, Strollength, Melee. I don’t want to get it. Alright, let’s move on to the next one. Okay, everyone. Next one . If the bug seems to occur again, it’s too much trouble to try something else. What should I do ? I wish I could do this. I’ll take the money. Thank you. [Music] Mr. Clipper. The Cebu Police Department is working really hard on this. If you don’t have to do it, then stop doing this.If you don’t need Blacksmith right now, you should do this quest.It ‘s difficult. It’s difficult. Please endure that lag with the comments. Everyone, please endure it. Hey, [Music] Oh, you’re slow right now? Well, I’ll do this. I ‘ll do this after all. The Taiku Interchange is far from here . I haven’t found this. From here, head over from the Bridge of the Shining Sea. Let ‘s try Karika Rika Rika Rika Rikarikarikari Either way, it ‘s okay. I ‘m a marker, so wait a minute here . of Recovery McCready is on top of that [Music] Yeah, it’s okay. Is this okay? It ‘s me here, the Mechanist. Oh, I’m scared. Help me. Somebody’s telling me to help him. [Music] Aya . [ __ ] Hey, wait a minute. It’s so loud. It’s so loud. No, no, stop it, please stop it, no, no, no, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, everyone, I was wearing flimsy clothes, so what should I do? What should I do? Where is the place? Random is Donmai, Donmai , Yoko , Shining Sea Bridge, but I hate Ma, I hate robots, but I wonder if the robots are a bit strong.Robobrain seems to have a problem.Mommy can’t go in that place.Ah, it’s Sentry after all. Even though it’s a boat-based machine, it’s a weak one for that, is n’t it? [ Music] I’m sorry, but I ran out. Everyone got it. I’m going to cut the power mer. I’m going to use the power mer. [Music] Eh, this power mer is fine. It’s okay , it’s okay, you won’t die if you do this , so I understand . It’s a bit frustrating , but I don’t like it. Power Armor. Even though it’s a game where you can enjoy power armor, it’s so dark . Fun Harbor is a place where you have to have power armor. I’m not interested in things like that. I ‘m the type of person who wants to go as far as I can without wearing that power armor.If someone tells me that I can’t go there unless I wear it, it can’t be helped, so I can’t go without cutting it.What should we do, wait, wait? Even if I lose power, I can’t handle it, so I’m going to die. It wo n’t go away . It’s okay, it’s okay. Don’t be afraid. You ‘ll definitely win. There’s a professional. Run, reduce your power . Madam, it looks like something’s going on. Sorry. Why are you the only general who doesn’t move ? Collect them. Okay , it didn’t work again. I have to go to another spear. Sad [Music] This is a new module that can be obtained. Also, where did I defeat this and that? Where did I defeat that ? I don’t remember [music] What did I just take? What did I just take ? There was Rob who had arms and legs. I defeated him. I don’t remember where I defeated him at all. If I don’t take it, it will disappear . I don’t know, I remember this . It wasn’t the same one. It wasn’t the legs. It exploded. It exploded earlier. I can’t feel it near here at all. I turned on the air conditioner. It’s a bit dangerous. It looks like it could stretch. Ah, the area where the tank was knocked over. I don’t know where that is either. I don’t know where it ‘s gone I don’t know where it is I wonder if the fire went out [music] I don’t know where the power armor is either. I ‘m so far away [Music] It’s around here. I’m going around this power armor. I’m not in the water. I’m not affected by it. But you’re different. There’s still a lot of territory out there. I’m surprised by this.I don’t remember it at all.It ‘s not hard to see if you’re alone in power armor with the lights on.Is it brighter in 2? [Music] Wait a minute.It ‘s no good at night.I don’t know where Power Man is again. Shisuke -san Bol and yes, that’s right, space suit Space suit Uzoe Is it around here or not around here ? What does that mean? What does this mean? It means that Nana-chan is strong [ Music] Ah Beni Beni-san Beni-san, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve never tried to get items from Kobol or Dogmeat, but that’s the case. Worst of all, I ‘m not good at giving up. I can’t see all the way around, and there’s poop. It seems that the left arm that doesn’t say anything is the only thing that has defeated this . I bought the downloadable content after a while. It seems unlikely that Ida-chan is there. Oh, I’m sure there is a chair. I’m sorry for not being able to do it at night.It’s a result of being a machine and I’m drunk.What would have happened if I hadn’t been there?The person who didn’t show up on standby seemed like someone was talking to me.It was bright.I should have noticed that sooner. There’s nothing left to take anymore. I’ve taken most of them, but I’ve taken them from two places, so I’ve only killed about two. I guess there aren’t any rats here. It rained rats in this area earlier. I thought it was just a sea of ​​brilliance, but it looks like there’s nothing here. There’s nothing here. I don’t want to try it. There were only 2 and 4 of them. Well, that’s right. So I was being talked to like I’m coming again . Oh, I’m sorry for selling so high. No, thank you for helping me. My hips and legs hurt. My whole body hurts. Tan, Assaultron, and Brain. I don’t know what would have happened if you weren’t here. Helping me. I’m glad you’re all here, but if you don’t know of a good place to live around here, stop saying that. Come with me. Of course you can . By the way, thank you. I’ll meet you there in two days. This guy is like, oh, that’s it. He wants to exchange some of his belongings, that’s okay. This person wants to exchange some of his belongings. It’s different here in the residential area. Hey, hey, I can’t get off of this. Why do I have stylish glasses? I think I’m worthy of trust. Those two people move properly. Are they both moving? There were two of us standing there, but they couldn’t hold it and died. If that’s the case , I guess I’ll go back once with my power armor and try something different.Are they a married couple or a woman ?I’m sure they’re the same, but my brother and I are also coming, so I skipped it without a jabber. But if you don’t tell me, there’ll be five of us. If we don’t put up a bed, come back a few days after we talk. I said I’ll see you. Actually, there were three of us. There were actually three of us. There were actually three of us. Nana asked me to meet her to talk about how she ruined one person, and I wonder if she’s going to be out next time.I wonder if it’s true.Well , it was definitely dangerous.It ‘s surprisingly easy to see.Save.Every time, that’s the basics. I should have worked as a team of three people. I’m starting to want to start over all by myself, so I have to go to that place, so let’s move to the spike interchange to do this . I hope what I did comes back. I’m sorry, Chan. If you can, please send me the parts. Please take it, ma’am, I’m really happy. Yes, do you need anything ? It’s time to leave. I want to be by your side. I’ll accept your orders . The bed is perfect. Razor Beta Sentuner I ‘m going to get you. You’re small robots. You’re all hands on. Throwing is cute. Let’s go together . In the case of spiritual equipment, radiation is just a trap. That’s right . It’s like the lower your physical strength, the more your attack power increases. The Japanese character’s lines and McCready are going home now. Are you here? Macready, I ‘m going to take you to the Mass Pike for the last time. My body feels good. I’m preparing for a future where we’re both in this sanctuary. The procedure is very simple, but it’s forgotten. That’s what I was thinking. It’s about time to leave. I was just bored. Well, I’m going to go pick some flowers. Sorry for the suddenness. Wait a minute. Everyone, please wait a moment. I’ll go with you. I’m back. Sorry to have kept you waiting. [Music] I ‘m at the spa. Let’s go from the place in front of the spike interchange. [Music] I guess you’re talking about Nana-chan’s house in the house that’s in disarray. I wonder if we should go quickly from here. There’s nothing to do with the current quest. [ Music] I’m going to take out the guys that got caught up in the curtain . I’m going to protect the guys on the road. Is it too early to go from here? It’s too far. I should go from there. Should I go ? It’s not that far from here. I’m sorry, I’m wearing white on Yujudan. I’m sorry. It’s so amazing. I think I have an enemy. I wonder what everyone would do. I’m fine with a normal dress. It seems like it won’t affect me since it’s in bloom. It’s a bit dangerous here. It’s night again. I feel like I’m wearing bulletproof armor at night. I want to sleep again, so I guess that’s why I always come here at night. It’s a pretty good outfit, and it also increases your charisma. When you try to dash, you make a mistake [MUSIC] and end up going higher. Isn’t there a chair somewhere? There seems to be one, isn’t it ? That’s wonderful [MUSIC] Ah, Asakawa grows up [Music] It looks like a butterfly in the middle of the night. It looks like a butterfly. [Music] It doesn’t look like this. It’s different here. This place is n’t where the enemy is. It’s up there, isn’t it? Spike is the destination. The way to get there wasn’t very special. [Music] Where there’s a rock, it’s a rugged place [Music] [Music] It’s on top [Music] Hey, when you grow up, you’ll become a Sunseed . There was a place to climb up from the bottom of the tree.Will you guide me there?The marker is at the top of the tree.Morning glories are called sacids when they grow up.How do I get there ?It’s a little further down the road . I can climb it, I’ll do it here or here, I won’t lose, Aquaria, it might be dangerous. Thank you for coming . I ‘ll be streaming again tomorrow. If you like it, please come and watch it. And if you like it, I’d be even more happy if you gave it a high rating. Acorn Acorn Land Kingdom It’s a wonderful kingdom Nice to meet you Boru and Nozomi are enjoying their lives I can’t help but have fun Please watch slowly I ‘m dying Everyone I’m sorry I’m sorry Please come again It was Tsubarto-sama . Test Bear’s Kingdom When I arrived at Acorns , I was forced to save and then save.I was a bit too focused on the comment.It was an important comment, so the farewell comment and the first-time comment are important, so I finally decided to concentrate. I’m making an excuse for something that happened, but it’s just that Ana-chan let her guard down too much, but that’s probably the way to go. It’s not like we’re living together, we’re fighting over each other. Wait, it’s about time to save once. So’s face is so big and so cute. Everyone’s conversations are so cute. They’re being attacked from above. Hydration is hot. Everyone really needs to be hydrated, right? Death. Yeah , but it’s not so funny. What should I do? I need to get closer to the shotgun after all. Everyone ‘s hydrated properly. It’s okay. What ‘s wrong with me, who takes what people say and make it my own? That’s right , let ‘s just laugh and pretend. Is this Acorn Coffee? Acorn’s Coffee. What do you mean? Don’t worry about it. It’s okay, Mr. Bol , and something. Take your strength. Slow down, Mr. Kobol. I wonder if everyone has finished their work at this time. The number of people has suddenly increased, but thank you for coming to see me . This is mostly a grenade aimed at the head, and I’m gone , so I’m going to go to lab coffee. I might die, but I’m going to die. Die, die, hide , I can’t get there [Music] It was just the last minute, isn’t it ? I’m in the corner [Music] There’s no one. It’s a sniper. The attack power isn’t low. I’m complaining. Winlock and Buzzle should be here soon. Their flowers. I’ll reveal it to you. Squat down and tell me where you are. If your money is on the line, I won’t be able to run. [ Music ] Oh no, the fight was about to get interesting. [ Music ] Sakoo Sumika. Thank you very much for your hard work. [Music] We managed to make it work . So we’re going to go up from here. I’m sure it wasn’t going to go up from here. [Applause] Well, Kanna is right. This, this, this, Credit. I wonder if Tana-cha helped me? A- Ko. I was told that I was a lady with a power supply. I found out. I think I found out. But is this strong? Is this strong? Power [Applause] Nayabase [Music] ] Look for me, I’m dangerous, I’m going to die , wait, wait No , it’s dead, it’s a little knife. I can’t help it. I can’t help it. Let’s have fun . [Music] What do you mean? It’s kind of annoying . How many of them do you have? You know, the piggy bank’s savings. Who took the piggy bank grenade? [Music] Bara is suddenly killed by a Brahmin iron or something [Music] [Music] It doesn’t matter if someone is found out or not. It’s dangerous here. Let’s just take it as it is, come here, let ‘s take it here . It’s amazing how it just happened. This is weak. Oh, where are the enemies? I wonder if they’re behind the scenes. It’s scary. We’re cool. We’re cool. They died saying they were cool. If you move that far, and if you move that fast, you ‘ll know that the level of the park is low.Why is there a Mac in such a place ? I wonder if that’s a fixed side.McCready . That’s what I thought [Music] A hair character goes to the bar He’s sometimes there and sometimes he’s not. What are you doing in a place like this ? We’re new customers. Welcome to Mac Bar. We’re open for business right now. It’s a little messy, sorry. Nena doesn’t have any business, it’s a good place. Well, I chose the location. It’s expandable, and I got an area that will become popular at a good price. So what are you going to do with it? What’s neutrality ? I want you to show me wax products.Choose what you like.They sell whiskey.It ‘s only worth 2 yen.No, thank you for the whiskey.I bought it.Everyone is rich.Where is it?How do I meet the conditions? Teaching [music] How do you meet the conditions? You just have to spend a lot of money. I ‘ve met you several times. Thank you, Mac. I want to call you. I don’t think you’ll make any money doing business in a place like this. Let’s ride together . Hey, I got it. I haven’t pressed it yet. If I don’t press that button, it won’t come. I want to know the conditions for Mac. The conditions for calling Mac are to ride here and ride. What’s up with that? Oh, yeah, yeah, that’s it. Dae Kore Save Mimioi Ikanako will fall without any problem. I’ll probably do it. Find it. I’ll go into attack mode. Hey, wait a minute. Why are you lying ? Why did you find out ? Wait a minute. It’s too dangerous. It’s too dangerous. But wait. Why? It’s okay. What happened to you? They’re so disappointed, don’t be surprised, wait a minute, what’s the cause, um, there’s an Assaultron, they used it, they used it, they used it, they used it, they used it, they didn’t come out, they didn’t come out, they didn’t come out, they didn’t come out, they didn’t come out, they couldn’t go, they couldn’t go, they couldn’t go, they couldn’t go. That’s right, it’s a little difficult . You have to stand up. Your hopes are high. Restaurant level 3. Come here and you’ll understand. Maybe they didn’t make it. Maybe they couldn’t make level 3. It says it’s still scanning. It says it’s still scanning. There’s an Assault character in the scanning process, so it might be impossible. Oh, what is it? No, no, oh, I see. There are a lot of Saltrons. It’s quite difficult to make someone like that mark. Put down your nothingness. Is it okay to go up like this? Wait a minute. It might be impossible . Maybe it’s impossible. I wonder if it’s still that way. Yeah, I’m not at the same level as Ana-chan. I wonder if it’s impossible. I can’t do it. I’m here. [Music] Mr. Tateru, Kobold’s first time. Nice to meet you, Armor. [Music] Armor. Why is it that you climb so hard? It’s no good. How do you scrape down Saibu as much as possible? The person looking at the weapon, the one with the big brother Hikoboru, and the one right now are in a pinch. As always, Nana is in a pinch . I hope you enjoy that pinch. I’ll be able to remove one person in just a little while. So let’s go with this. There’s someone new . If Altron isn’t here, I wonder where Lutron would be. I’m scared. Save this, save, save, get down once, get down once, it’s dangerous. Somehow, the rest is almost the battle BGM of Assault. It’s over , I’m scared. Get off. I’m scared of Rulong. I’m scared . It seems the enemy is still nearby. The area of ​​operations is safe. I’m sorry. Ri-san , it’s been a while. I’ve only been looking at demons. Sorry, it’s been a while. I just realized that. I’m sorry. I misunderstood. Take your time. Even if you can’t get through it, even if you get through it, you’ll still enjoy it in the end. Yeah, yeah, I ‘m enjoying the pinch. This is how I fight now. I’ve never seen that, what does it mean ? What does it mean ? My stream [music] that I want you to see is in a pinch. It’s not a pinch. It’s the default. Let’s kill it. Assaultron is here. Ruto [Applause] Okay, Arron. What is this? What is Assaultron? What are you doing? Wait , wait , wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait , wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Assaultron is too scary, Assaultron is too scary . I’m sorry to escape, I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry, I’m sorry for your feet, good information Good information I’m sorry . I was having fun, but where did the assault go? [Music] [Laughs] I needed that. Thank you. Wait a minute. The castle was down. [Music] I’m sorry. I’m sorry . I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go , I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go, I can go! Thank you Chill, let’s calm down with your nice comment. Wait a minute. I can’t calm down. It’s funny . It’s fun. It’s still fun. The enemy is still Assaultron. Why is he here ? What is this person doing? [Applause] Save Okay Sartre It’s the beam, I understand, hey, save After this, okay, I can go. I’m dealing with it. What are you doing? So what are you doing? You can shoot me , Panji . I guess that’s right , I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I forgot, I forgot, I forgot, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I forgot . I’m tired, it ‘s too funny, it’s fun Credit, what are you doing? Look, the background music has gotten quiet. Oh yeah, yeah, that’s it. It’s McCready’s request. This is also a lie, that’s right, that’s right, that’s right, that ‘s right, that’s right, that’s right, that’s right, at the bar. I can’t express the invitation. It’s no use making money. I’m buying juice. What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? I came to work as a talking gunner. Yeah, it’s gone. Now, be careful with the beam. Be careful with the beam. Oh, be careful. I was in danger of fighting a target from beside me. Don’t you have your legs? You don’t have your legs. Ah, it’s too interesting. What are you doing? Buns, you can do it. Buns, it’s okay to bang. That’s the purpose of this. I understand that the purpose of this quest is to kill the bugs, so first I’ll have to scavenge. It doesn’t seem like they’re hostile to me , so I’m sure they should have retreated. Locke here is also kind of terrible, but I’m terrible. I’m terrible. I guess I’ll get this [Music] Combat Armor Sniper Rifle I guess I should just get it, right? The Barbarian is a great element and melee critical Critical hit damage has been increased by 5% Congratulations I’ll stay calm . I’m sorry [Music] Hey [Music] That’s a big mistake . I think I’ve conveyed it clearly to people. It was a little bad. So for the Gunners, profit is the most important thing. They just lost this whole waystation, thank you. This is a huge loss. And they don’t even know what I did anyway. I guess you owe me a job, but I ended up dragging you here [music] I needed help, there’s no hypocrisy, I obviously needed help, yeah, but all things being equal. I hope that’s the case, but I ‘ll give you back the cap you paid me at Good Neighbor.I’m still following you.This was part of the original deal, and this is it.Here we go, it’s over. Show me where I’m going The boss I’m sure Cap is worth it I’m back I got my money back Good buddy I do n’t know where I was but I continue my journey But this is all I’ve got I’ll move on to the next quest once my interaction rate increases I’m sure something will happen . I’m sure we’ll get along until I fall asleep for a moment. That plan. [Music] That plan. That’s right. It’s close. It’s close. Can we run from here ? Well, I can’t. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ve left it behind. Hey lady, I’m not on board . I wonder if it’s going to fly away. Let’s go. I hope we can retrieve it. It’s been a while, so it looks like it’s okay. It’s really here. Wait a minute. I don’t need that. I don’t need that. I was surprised how safe it was to ride here and ride here . I was surprised . The only difference was the glasses . I wonder if Irma’s dress can run away. Wait, wait, wait, wait, run away. Does it have any effect? ​​I don’t know. I don’t need pestle with 10 people. The number of consultations is infinite. Hiruma’s dress can be processed, so it’s a precious dress. Hiruma’s dress. That’s the one in the red dress. [Music] [Music] If I turn it on full blast, I won’t have any bullets and I’ll hit him all over . But that’s weak, isn’t it? It’s weak, it ‘s Dream De. The one with that person on the sofa is Irma. I mistook you for the person with the lyrics . It’s okay. It’s very rare. It’s not the lyrics. I mistakenly thought you were the person with the lyrics. I have to do this, this quest is tough, I don’t have that much power, but it’s not bad to go without Lilo No, I want it How can I do that? How can I do that ? If you raise your level, you’ve taken it all. Raise your level and squat and squat. If you do that, you’ll end up naked. The only way to get it is by fishing, so it’s better to raise the level of precious fishing. It ‘s a probability probability. It’s like you’re aiming for the chance of winning . Then you can just go back to Eda. You don’t need that part [applause]. You don’t need underwear either. I know that, but instead of putting in bullets , I know. There’s a reminder here. You can get a mark and get an achievement. You’ll be able to unlock it when I play my last Toro Toro Con Trophy Control What Toro Con is I went to What Toro Con but the first and last achievement is the trophy is this Cedar.The functions installed in me are It’s working at full power. You can use it. It’s stuck in this place. Look, it’s slightly bent. It’s a radar beacon that works fine. If you’re lucky, you can track the Mechanist’s signal. It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s definitely going to work. I hope so . We’ll start the decoding routine, which may take a while. We ‘ve picked up a new Robobrain beacon signal. It should be the last one we need. Well done, Ada. Thank you. It’s a bug. It’s a bad situation. Checking the location. Robobrain is on the satellite at Plains Fort. In other words, it’s under the control of the Last Devil. It’s certainly not Tor Control . It’s come this far. It’s come this far. I know we can’t back down, but we still need to proceed with caution.We once encountered them as our caravan crossed the river and entered the town.The Last Devils are a group of ruthless raiders who use robots for their nefarious activities. They’re going to be searching all over the Federation for people like me, and if they can’t capture them and reprogram them, they’re going to steal parts for spare parts.They’re more of a threat to me than you.That being said, I just wanted you to know. No matter what hardships await us, it’s the greatest joy to be with you.If it’s not a nuisance, and if it’s not, I wish you good luck.Well, we have to go to Plains Toriden this time.We’ve become a great team. Let’s go, cat! Ada should follow me. I wonder if Ada is stronger after all. Here, here, here. I wasn’t a mutant. What should I do? Should I go with Ada ? My system continues to run at maximum efficiency. Together. Let’s go. Yes please, let’s leave now. It’s great. I’ll do my best. It’s terrible. Taro Robot. Taro robot means that the robot is a DLC robot. It’s not like the DLC robot Assaultron or anything like that. It’s the robot that has appeared before. It’s originally a mutant. But it changes with Eda . Well, after capturing the plains, the combination robot is Assaultron. Assaultron is a little scary. Aim for the legs. I just learned that. When Assaultron comes, aim for the legs with stones. During the water cargo. There are a lot of traps and I have a lot of luggage [music] I mean a lot of traps, I guess mines or something like that [music] I don’t like turrets or anything like that I want to put them on Ada Aaaah, I ‘m chasing after another. It’s the speed at which it comes. [Music] It’s getting taller. It’s kind of elongated after all. [ Music] Is that really necessary? It’s better to have grenades. I don’t usually use grenades, so I’m a bit of a slender person. I have it, but it would be better if I had it.Ran -cha Annu- Ran seems to be strong.I have the impression that it seems to be strong.If I go now , I wonder if it will be effective to escape with land mines? It would be fun if I could use grenades, but I can’t pull them out indoors. That’s dangerous. That’s right. That’s right. That’s right. I see . [Music] Well, I don’t want to do that. [Applause] [Music] It’s important to run away right away. It looks like it’s going to be difficult after placing the mines. Where was the grenade? Is there a regular grenade in the corner? Family business lunch box Landmines I guess everyone uses those kind of things after all I guess I just can’t see the grenades [Music] I’ve got 21 grenades. It must be difficult to see the vision when you see something.Landmines must be difficult.There are no landmines.It’s not like these cooling landmines.Ordinary landmines.Bottle cap landmines.That ‘s that lunch box.Ordinary landmines. It’s a problem of having too much stuff, isn’t it? It’s okay to have flag mines [Music] Okay, are you there? [Music] We don’t have kobold woof woof woof woof woof applause. There’s only about two of them. [Music] By the way, that’s right. [Music] There’s a shop. [Music] Wait a minute. I’m concentrating so much that I can’t say anything. [Music] I’m saving money and saving up Stim. I’m only recovering from drinking water. I was preparing food when I went back to the base.Oh yeah, I came back.It’s over.Let ‘s go.Let’s go.Let’s go.There ‘s one store where the mirror ball and the inner ball’s light are terrible, and then there’s the medical clinic . Also, there are three shops with miscellaneous goods.This base is gone, even if it gets ripped off, people will still come . Even if they get ripped off, it’s still good, so they’ll still come.If you put in a chair or something like that, it’ll be dark. Isn’t there? [Music] Masaaki Tortak Shoten And then I did it again at night and in the morning.It’s just the right place.I recommend you to bring as many books as you want to be popular with.It’s a book. The taste is different , I don’t like it, I don’t like the wife of the night, this is Ada Hirahara, she seems like she can last quite a while, so it’s better to leave her with me. I’ll clear the game while dying again and again, everyone, watch over me. [Music] I see , because I’m a robot, I have a different amount of power. [Music] Let’s do our part, ma’am, go -go. What ‘s wrong with this? If it hits me, I’ll die. Where did that go ? The dead Ed-chan has turned into 4. I want you to wait a minute . It’s terrible. No, everyone doesn’t die. Be careful, be careful, and deal with the tarts. That’s nice. We don’t hit each other. We don’t hit each other. Farmo. I’m going to die due to malfunction . Grenade with a grenade. Grenade Grenade. Let’s end the victory. I haven’t set the grenade. Save Wait a minute, wait a minute, yeah, I brought the grenade. I’m so full of bandages. Wait a minute. Wait a minute [music], put this here, uh, the grenade is here, this, this, this, this, this is wrong, oh, I’m gonna die already, it won’t hit, it won’t hit, it won’t hit, it’s strong, oh no, die, die, die, die, die, die, die. Also, start relot bull Oh okay, I’m here If I had held down and held down, I would have definitely killed it.How is it that the handicap hasn’t decreased at all? Where is the handicap?Where is the handicap ? The ones that don’t move are fun to watch. They don’t freeze up, so I know they’ll self-destruct. They’ll do things like me. Maybe it’s impossible again. Even though they’re throwing frustrating bugs that they can’t get, they can’t help but use their power, as usual. [Music] Hey , I forgot about the flames. [Music] What’s wrong with Nakateru? Why can’t I get this? Everyone can’t get it. I can’t get it. Even though it was a legend, it turned out to be a big deal . If I proro, it’ll be fine. [Music] [Music] Hey , don’t make a mistake, let ‘s go get the delivery church [Music] Lol Okay , what door is this? I want to play something.That ‘s the one I bought from that merchant.If it’s a cricket, it’s 81, which hasn’t played a single cricket.There was a door in the basement of the tower.I don’t really understand how to pronounce it. But no, just go to the desktop main menu and try deleting the game once. You can enter everything with this. I want you to stop questioning everything. I can’t ask everything. I can’t really do anything by myself. I don’t know where the Regret Green Jewel is before Greduel.The Blue Baa Guardian is 81.I feel like I liked both of them.Hmm, the one with the explosion is Spray Unplay, or the one with the explosion is the one with the explosion. Oversheer Garden Auto Auto Auto Rifle Which auto rifle is Which auto rifle is It seems like it’s legendary Well, it’s okay I can take it I don’t need it but I don’t need it Prolo Prolo Correct answer Nice nice Yeah I don’t need it [Music] Hey, the explosion of the assault knife’s bomb rifle is a spray, isn’t it? Well , I guess I like the spray. I’m starting to get this and that. Yeah, yeah, thank you. If it went well, I guess I should move on. I almost didn’t get it off anymore . It’s ok. Even if I tried prolo, it probably wouldn’t have worked. But the other day was no good.The other day, he didn’t proro. Or rather , it ‘s really proro.It ‘s a word that everyone knows. It’s better to throw away the save , it’s better to throw it away.It’s better not to do it.It’s better not to do it.I think it’s better to throw it away. I got it , so it’s like that. You know, Chilikit. It’s been sitting there forever. I have to put it in there. Can you help me? I have to put it in here. Is it a repair kit? [Music] I wonder if it’s on the ground. It’s not going to disappear Frollo I don’t know, I know, I know, I had friends . The weapons and data that I dropped yesterday. That’s what it is. It’s going to disappear. But should I just disappear? It’ll disappear as time passes. I’ll just have to go that far, but until then. It gets heavy, so leave it in the liquid.If it falls on the ground and disappears, you can throw it on your body.The liquid is the same as the stim, so it’s the one you use when it’s stopped, so you should carry the same liquid as the stim. Bye, I wish I had it.I had a lot of it because it was closed over there.Prepare Playstation Playstation becomes unstable when converted to save data.Ah, when it was Playstation, save data was I really feel like I deleted it. I didn’t delete it. I might have lied. Ordinarily, that’s all it takes. Saved data. Saved data capacity. Saved data capacity. Is it another battle to find Novo Brain? This is a computer battle. Well , it’ll be over in 30 minutes This was also kind of scary, so it ‘s scary. I’m sure I’m this stupid . How much does Rato reduce with this ? Can you see it? Ma’am , when Aden dies from this air, it explodes. I ca n’t get it without proro . It’s dangerous if I don’t do it. It’s dangerous. Wait a minute. Wait a minute, what should I do? I don’t know where or what it is, but it doesn’t hit anything. [Music] But I heard it , so it did n’t hit me. I’m sorry. I wasn’t listening at all right now. I’m sorry. I’m going to regret it. It’s really weird, it becomes a lukewarm battle with Nakayui not attacking anything, but if you add in a bug that doesn’t work , then yeah, it’s a bug in vanilla. Is there an order in which to put things in ? Is there something wrong with it ? I don’t even know what it’s like to have a memo. I don’t know how to look it up either, so I guess I’ll just leave it like this and it’s not a memo. I can’t get it . Good power armor . This is the end. Speaking of pre-war money, the timing was bad when Anna started, so I couldn’t proceed, but somehow something has been updated, so using that might solve the problem. It’s expensive, blah, blah, blah, blah , blah, [music] Where can I find [music] Power Armor I recommend a safe reboot.This isn’t all.This isn’t over yet.There’s still more to come.Just seeing a dead Chrollo makes such a difference.Cut and start up.What’s going on now?What’s that ? I’m sorry that it’s making strange noises, but it’s a machine.That ‘s the new one from a while ago.I added DC a while ago, and I was in the middle of progressing the story, so I stopped by. It’s just not going well. I restarted it last time , but it didn’t improve. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess that doesn’t really matter. Restarting , but this time when I flushed it, it was fine, but it’s a bit of a mystery . That’s the thing. I can’t go here. It’s the place I went to earlier. Eh , if you insert downloaded content in the middle of the game , you won’t be able to do it.That’s sad news.Oh yeah, there are some changes from last time.Last time, I played Prolo and no matter what I did, I could n’t progress unless I did that other quest. It’s not that it didn’t progress, it’s that I couldn’t get it. I couldn’t get the robot, but today I just did a prologue and it seems like it’s okay. I’m sorry, but I’m not very good at explaining, so I ca n’t convey it . I think this story is okay now, everyone. But what’s going on here ? It’s not Steam, uhm. It ‘s the PC version of Gepas, not Xbox . For now, I don’t really know much about things like that, so if I can’t do it, I won’t play it. I think it’s a bit difficult, I don’t know. Everyone told me about this last time, but I just don’t understand it at all. I do n’t know if I can do it, so if I try, can I stop? I have no choice but to stop. That’s what I’m thinking.The story about running out of water is where memory comes from.It ‘s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, uhm, for now.Thank you everyone.I don’t know anymore.I’m a console and I only have the PlayStation 4 to play games. I don’t know. I do n’t understand. I don’t know what you’re saying. I don’t understand what you’re saying, so I thought it was too late. Thank you . I’m also happy. I understand. Even if I stopped, I wouldn’t have been able to do it. I’ll stop worrying so much, everyone . I’m here to warn you about my new role in destroying the robots that are trying to survive. God doesn’t care about us after we die . I was trying to save my life, but I came to warn you about a new drug that destroys robots.You should use a missile launcher.Thank you.I thought you had forgotten so much , but you came to tell me something important. Everybody’s starting to understand, you’re starting to understand me, what’s going on? It’s not weird, it’s a little weird, it’s weird. What’s wrong with that? Why is it being saved? It’s being saved, right? It’s shining. It’s important to only bring what’s popular. I recommend it . What is fertilizer used for? I can only see the future. I can only see such a future, so why do you think it’s so cheap? Yes, that’s right. Thank you. That’s how smart you are . I don’t need it to fit my brain. I cut it. I cut it. It seems that it seems to be a bare area . [Music] Ke, there’s an enemy, Homu and Tetsu. Wait a minute, E-chan left on her own, but I didn’t open it, and I held back for a while, but Seb . Homu and Tetsu. [Music] What are you talking about on the line? Where’s the Noh that made the wrong moves? It’s scary, so Assault Toro is the worst. I can’t wait. It’s so weak. I can’t hit it. I can’t wait. What’s so scary? Ah, wait a minute, I’ll hit you. Ada-chan, Ei-chan, Ei-chan. Ei-chan, I left that to you . I see. You’re a bit weak. Let’s wrap this up. What’s that? It looks like something from Protectoro was wrong. As expected of you . [Music] What are the quest items? Where are the enemy targets? I’ll take care of it . It’s okay. Ed-chan makes a naughty voice and says, "I’m going to go back." You can go back. [Music] Oh, okay , Chili . Are you okay? Can you see me? Ma’am, if you don’t go back now, you’ll get lost again. Stay here. Go back Before you go Before you go Go back Where is this going to start doing unnecessary things again I read something and I can do it again Ah game game game It sounds like it’s already here Get the game Oh wait wait a minute No no wait a minute come on Why did I come? I won’t miss it. Somewhere, somewhere, there’s a compass below. It’s true. Where should I go ? Where did I forget to take it? Is it in here? There was something like this in the Last Devil. I can’t see what you’re doing here Radar beacon I’m following the radar beacon Radar beacon That’s really interesting and a pretty specific piece to look for And you have a 9.8 chance of being a mechanist, which is no ordinary scavenger. We might be able to help each other from this. I thought I would definitely need help. Now, I need to explain it as simply as possible so that people can understand it even at this speed. In order to find the Mechanist, we need a radar beacon. I ‘m willing to give you everything I need as long as you meet two conditions: 1. Get me as far away as possible from these lost people. 2. Find a new body for me. Oh , I ‘m alive , so I made a mistake when I made a mistake. Oh, and I made a mistake. I guess I saved the game, but I somehow knew it. Wait, why do you know ? What happened now? I’m angry at everything, but I’m angry at everything, but why, why , why, why can’t this be under my feet, but everyone said under my feet, right ? A landmine hit me, it’s really small , why did I throw it? I don’t understand why, help me, help me. I ‘m sorry, I made a mistake . I shouldn’t have attached it to that sentry. I shouldn’t have hit it. I got hit by Seto, so it’s no good. I don’t know. I haven’t used it that much, so I don’t know. So I turned to him and asked him if he should do this. I don’t think I’d go anywhere like this, but I’m a mechanic. Maybe I’m just laughing. It’s fine here. It’s fine here . It’s fine here. [Music] Hey, you’re really stupid, you’re really stupid. It’s like, what am I doing? I’m fine with this . I’m saying this is meaningful, but is it okay? I’m fine with this, I’m fine with this. I’m fine with this. Just let go of this. I don’t look like the last devil. What’s going on here? It’s like someone is talking to you Radar Radar beacon is a pretty specific part to find a radar beacon And you’re a radar beacon to the Last Devil It’s a pretty specific part to find a radar beacon And you’re a normal person I’m looking for a 98. mechanic who doesn’t seem like a parts scavenger.As usual, if I ‘m right, we’ll end up helping each other out of this school, but I think everyone’s okay.I think it’ll end in the middle.That’s over.I want help.It seems like I definitely want help. I thought I’d say that , but I need to explain it as simply as possible so that even someone with such a processing speed can understand.In order to find the Mechanist, it is necessary to infiltrate the facility in addition to the radar beacon.There are two methods of infiltration that can be taken. If you meet one simple condition , you must take me as far away as possible from these people who have gone.If you meet two conditions, I will be happy to provide you with everything you need. So , you can do something about it. Betray me. How do I know you’ll keep your promise? The human brain is floating in a biological gel inside my head, but I’m still constrained by my original programming. It’s hard to admit. But by command I can’t lie I’m not a good robot of love But I’m against it Now and watch out for traps Now what’s the deal? Yes, the deal is a smart decision Let’s move and get to the destination If that’s the case, I’ll gladly give up the radar beacon.I strongly recommend that you stop wandering around in the heart of enemy territory and immediately run away from here.Running is the right thing to do.It’s the right thing to do.To everyone’s surprise, even Me-chan might be able to fight.Let’s go quickly.This is a horrible monster. I’m glad I posted a lot of likes, Wait a minute, everyone’s in a weird place, but it looks like it’s going to be a long time, so I’ll end this for today. Today’s stream is over, so that ‘s it. I’m sorry , right? The screams are… No, I won. I won. I’ll continue this next time. Next time will be next week, probably on Tuesday and Friday. Wait, wait, this isn’t my first time seeing Golipapa. Thank you for always being so nice. Thank you for being nice. I’ll lick the throat candy. It’s over. After that, I’m going to go buy some expensive throat lozenges. Thank you very much. I think I’ll probably do it next time on Tuesday and Sunday, so if you have free time, please don’t go on fire. If you can, please come and see me again. See you next time. See you at the live show It was Otsubo Ruto-sama Bye-bye Wait for the downloadable content I’m sorry, I’m sorry, everyone, I’m not waiting, wait, wait, wait, lie, lie, yeah, that’s what I mean, I can’t do it on Friday, well, on Friday. I won’t do it I’m sorry everyone I lied I think I’ll do another Eldering so it won’t be on Friday I ‘ll put it on Tuesday and one more time somewhere so if you’d like, come and see it Bye bye I’m sorry it’s over Thank you for deceiving me I’ll see you soon Kakko-san See you at the next live bye bye



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