【Fallout4 フォールアウト4】みんなーDLC購入したよ!ここで相談です!この先の進め方!ゲーパス PC版※ネタバレ注意

Hello everyone, I’m Na. I’d like to do a Hole Out 4 live stream. Everyone, I’ve purchased the downloadable content. It’s my first DLC and I’m finally able to play it. Ama-san, Koboldka-san, Kobold-kichi-san, Kobold-hiko-san, Boruto Thank you, Harumaki. Mr. Kobol, uh, that’s okay. I was thinking about how to proceed today, so I made a survey. I ‘d like to ask everyone to help me with this survey, even if it’s just the current members. What should I do? I thought, well , the number of weapons and enemies will increase, and the types of enemies will increase.I don’t know anything about it, so I’m sure everyone has played it before, so I asked them to fill out a survey and tell me about it. It’s so bad, it’s so bad, Akuma- chan Cobalt. I’m currently playing the main game, so I don’t know if I should finish the main game first or start another DLC now. Thank you, Tata-san, Kobold Please take your time and watch it. A strong new Rator force will appear. I hope it’s okay, Nana-chan, her level is still low, but the volume of Half Bar and Nuka World is large. I wonder if there are people who are watching Fallout for the first time or who are watching Fallout for the first time.If it’s long and the volume is large, then finish the main and finish the normal vanilla vanilla.Finish the main and then move on to the next one. I wonder if it would be better to do something like this.Currently, the level is 2727.It seems that the level 27 is still 27 unless you go over level 30.The world won’t appear unless you go over 30, so you can’t create a world.Currently, it’s the recommended level. It’s from around 15, so it’s okay to start with DLC. I see. It ‘s so big that you can think of it as a completely new Fallout. I’m looking forward to it. I’m looking forward to it. What should I do? Everyone, this is a little off. Well, I don’t want any spoilers. But as usual, I’m going to ask a lot of things that I don’t understand, so if you ask me to teach you something, please don’t tell me anything at all.Automata is like a side quest, so it seems like it would be good to do it while doing the main game . Yes , I see. There is also something called an automaton. Well, Mr. Tamakit, the Kobold crystal level is 10, and the crystal level is 15, which is the automaton. Ah, the automaton. Don DC. Yeah, yeah, the rest is about 30. Mr. Achiru. Nice to meet you, Kobol and ah. Let ‘s play 7676. I’ve already experienced Huato 76. I’ve played it before, so I’m taking a little break right now. Please take a look at it. If you’d like, please take a look at the survey. If you’re 27, you’ll probably have a bit of a hard time, but the more you get there soon , the more you’ll want to DC. Well, then you’ll be able to advance to the main game and then you’ll be around level 30, so let’s play Automatron and DLC. I bought it Robot Workbench Tutorial Ah, Robot Workbench Tutorial for Robot Workbench It’s like a quest I see, so to be able to use it it seems like I have to do that quest subquest Ah, that’s it. I’m going to play the main game, and after that , I think it’s probably around 30 or over 30, so I guess there’s going to be DLC for Boruto Construction, so I’m looking forward to it. But there were so many things I didn’t know at all that I didn’t know where to start.If you’re going to do everything, I’d naturally recommend starting with the automaton.Okay, I ‘d also recommend volume and level . I’m going to do the main part in parallel, and it ‘ll be over soon, so let’s make it feel like I’m doing it. Hello everyone, I’m sorry if I’m wrong, but Kobol and Automatron may be better off with a shorter lifespan. Yeah, yeah, I understand. The automatons that are dealing with the automatons are lasers.If you don’t take measures against the lasers, the enemy will feel strong.AutomatonsI wonder if you can attach some kind of accessory to your weapon like an automaton laser.Yes, yes, yes, yes, automatics. Tron does n’t mean strong Bolt 88 is a tutorial quest for bolt construction. Well, the only DLC I’ve installed is 6, and the only one I can think of is how many quests there are in Far Harbor and Nu World. I understand. Besides that, I wonder if it’s okay to say that there are some side quests here and there. Nice to meet you, Akagi-san. Kobol and the recent follow-out distribution. The day after tomorrow, I’m happy. Thank you for finding me. I look forward to working with you in the future. Please enjoy it if you like.It ‘s a stream with a lot of chatting, and it’s not a strategy or a good play, but I’d be happy if you enjoyed it.The DLC is much weaker than the Enclave, so I think it’s okay.Yeah, yeah, there’s also the Enclave . Everyone has land mines, and I’m the one who’s going to get hit by the land mines, but let’s make a radiation removal arch right away. Well, I was in a state where I could make one, and then I was in a state where I could make that one, instead of that power supply. I mean, there are a lot of generators that can make generators that output 100,100V. Well, I don’t think I’ll notice it, so it’s something like that. When I’m at a loss as to what to do, it’s like that. I would really appreciate it if you could tell me about it.I don’t want to know.It ‘s not a spoiler, so if there’s something like, “If I left this person alone, I would n’t know,” it’s perfectly fine if you tell me that.I don’t get angry. Please tell me.The number will increase little by little.Sub quests will increase little by little.Do you understand how it feels?Even if I don’t know, I won’t know until I go.If you don’t mind, I’d be happy if everyone could tell me.I’ve seen this kind of request before. I don’t know, but if there are a lot of them, then I’ve already done most of them, so I might be able to understand the new quests . After saying that, there were a lot of beautiful things. I was so excited. There’s also a power armor display stand, so it’ll be nice to keep it clean. Yeah, yeah , there’s more minis for the general. I guess that means I’m a general. Well, I’ll end the survey for now. Well, 5 seconds before it ends. 4321 The survey is over. Okay, thank you everyone for your cooperation. If anything, I think it’s resolved by what I did in that consultation. Well, I don’t want to do a survey, but as everyone said, after finishing the main game, the downloadable content became available, so Far Harbor came in 2nd place, so I’ll talk about that at a later date. I’m thinking of taking a survey.I’ll line up the Bolt Boys at the base.I feel like there’s probably already a Bolt Boy at the base.Oh, that’s not what I mean.It ‘s not that.Alt Boy is a doll.That doll. There’s a different doll or something like that.Okay , okay, thank you very much. There was no sound, right? Then, what should I do? Let’s move on . I wonder if there’s an ad in there. Yes , there’s a change from last time. We’ve reached a good place. It’s really near the end. I can’t tell what the DLC is anymore. That’s true. If everyone had already included it from the beginning, it would have been like that. Anna’s sense of style has been discarded. It seems like it Well, I’m going to make something stylish, so I’ll try not to say anything embarrassing. World and Far Harbor are interesting, so I’m going to get excited. I’m excited. I’m really excited too. I didn’t fill out the questionnaire, but it’s okay. Flowers It’s like if you don’t get selected, you shouldn’t go. Which route are you taking? I’m thinking of going with Minimen. I like that peace, so uh, Sahaya, is this your first time playing Conbol and that game? Well, you know, there’s a lot of chatter, so even if you don’t understand the story, please enjoy it.I think I’ll be happy if you enjoy it more than the actual content.I’m a little annoyed that I sometimes talk during the story and it’s hard to hear. I ‘m sorry if I made you feel too hot, but please take your time. Well then , it’s not hot today. I think I got excited while I was taking this survey. It’s getting even hotter. Thank you, Jiren-san, Kobol. Thank you. Irei-san Kobold hasn’t turned on the air conditioner [Music] He’s still smiling all the time, and he’s even more enthusiastic, and he’s broadcasting that.I’ve closed this room so it doesn’t get cold, so I’m thinking about it even more. I might get a little bit of it, so I should turn on the air conditioner, but I haven’t had the air conditioner on for a while, and I haven’t had the heating on either. It doesn’t have a unique smell. Maybe it’s just my fault. [Music] Oh, that ‘s where it gets worse. It’s definitely rattling. Now, I’m scared to look at my electric bill. It’s true, my computer seems to be getting really hot. I want ice cream koku kola.I want rice bran cola.Is it different?If you need it, you can use the air conditioner to ventilate it.However, the air conditioner is the weakest.When I went out shopping, I almost ate it.In Hama-san’s case, it’s real. Cleaning Frequency Before Cleaning Frequency I haven’t used it. I haven’t used it, so I want to cool down while drinking coke. It’s all coke. After all, it’s Fallout, so I wonder if it’s cola. It looks like cola. Well, wait a minute. Well then, I can turn on the air conditioner Hey, it’s a bad day today Hey, everyone wait, I’ll win I’ll never say anything about me I can’t trust anyone I’m begging you I just want to be alone now Looks like I want to be a butt Thank you for keeping me waiting Air conditioning Don’t worry, the odor from this set at 30 degrees won’t reach the viewers. It may not smell as expected, but there’s also a computer stand underneath, so if that’s the case, you should clean the filter for about a week. Well , I’ll have to clean the filter again in a week . Just the breeze blowing through it keeps me cool. It’s a lot cooler now. I don’t have to pay for electricity. I said something like, “It’s a lie that it doesn’t get hot when the air conditioner is 30 degrees.” Well, if you’re listening to music, my sound quality is 28 degrees, 27 degrees.If it’s cold, I’ll actually get cold.I’m sensitive to cold, so if the filter is clogged, I’ll start to move more strongly. Ah, the electricity bill will also go up, which makes sense. If you keep it clean, you can save on electricity bills, so it’s okay, Pa1. It’s like 28 degrees, 30 degrees, and 2828 degrees. It’s not a bit cold today, around 30 degrees , which is about right.I don’t have the air conditioner in use, so I guess it’s a good idea to ask.Well, that’s where the effect is.Well, let’s move on to the main thing . I don’t want to compare it to Raider, so if it’s something else, just do it. Midsummer is about 26 degrees. I don’t have enough bullets, or something like that. Whether I use air blowers or air conditioning, there is almost no difference in my electricity bill. I thought it would be better to have a cold one because I heard that it was cold, but I’m already starting to feel dry.My impressions might be a bit scary, but on the other hand, when I notice the TV, computer, and games, the room gets hot. My computer doesn’t get hot at all. It doesn’t trap heat. It doesn’t build up heat, so I’ve never really felt that the room gets hot. I’m worried about Kunana-chan and my computer. My computer has been crashing a lot lately, and it’s too hot today, so I set the air conditioner temperature to 28 degrees and turned on the fan. I fell asleep quickly. I hope I slept well. Good morning . It’s been a while since it got cold. Wait , I can’t move on. It seems like I can’t stop while we’re talking. Well, move on to the main story. Anyway, that guy survived for a day. He ‘s also a computer, but he needs the right tools. Preston… I think you might be able to decipher this blueprint. Hey, show me what you have . Go ahead, go ahead. It’s a mess . It looks like it’s an encrypted public or a transfer device. What did I give you? Teleportation This guy has been around a lot. Is he serious? Is it real? I’m serious. I got it from a former Institute scientist. Mr. Ham Koboldin. I didn’t think there were any humans still alive. In any case, intellectuals don’t think at all about the mechanism that actually works, but it seems like everything is written here.Ah, I need time to consider this.The handwriting is quite difficult to decipher, but I will create what he calls a stable reflector platform. It needs some pretty high quality metal to get started, but it’s basically no different than the linings of a jet engine or something like that.Good job, Sturgess.It’s too early to thank you.I get the gist, but I’m not sure about the details of the difficult parts. This is going to take some time to figure out. Here’s the first list of materials you’ll need. If you’re going to make it in three parts, you should have it all there. While I’m working on that, I’ll figure out how to make the rest. Remember, this thing uses a lot of power, so if you have a backup reactor nearby, you might be able to use that, and the device will be big, so it’s a pretty large construction site that could use a lot of power. All of a sudden, I wonder if he was an amazing person in the past, and now that I think about it, a lot of things were happening here, and quests were happening around here, and these three things were happening, and I made them on Taeko ‘s terrace. Better, let’s make it outside here , let’s make it somewhere around here. Are there enemies coming here? I feel like I’ve been skirted by the camp. I’m sure Mr. Kobol and Sa’s distress signal. Yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe it’s better to make it outside here. It ‘s not good here , it ‘s just going to break down. Well, it’s better to advance a little with other BOSs. I don’t care if it’s not good or not. Is it okay to just proceed with the mini side? If you ‘re going to do it, BOS, if you’re going to do it, BOS . Or should I do something else ? How are you doing? 2nd round? Where do you think it should be for the mini stuff? Thanks for the accurate advice. That’s right. If it’s a meme, that’s it. Mr. Kakko , Kobol and this whole game, don’t lie. Don’t lie. I’m sure there are people who play Tsukuna a lot , and depending on the way the tree progresses, others won’t be able to progress.But I’m sure there will be no other places in the second round if the save data remains. You can just go back with that save data, switch from here, and proceed to the BOS. So, delete that data and don’t delete it. What if you do it? But there’s DLC, so I’m already curious about that. I can’t help it I just wanted to talk to Sturgis. How are you doing? There ‘s no good place to build a signal intercept, so the delivery is free. Yeah, yeah, it’s still sweet, but I haven’t been able to figure out this strange device. I think I’ve made it, at least that’s what I’ll say until I actually make it. Here’s a list of three things that might be hard to find. Other than that, I think I’ve got everything I need. Let’s meet at the site and see if this thing actually works. Let ‘s take a look. Is this okay? Thank you, Sturgis. I’ll start working on it right away. That’s fine. There’s one thing you need to remember when building this. Yes, the equipment needs to be wired and all the parts need to be able to communicate with each other. Good luck at the production site . It’s right there. The production site, the production site, is right here. Well, right now it’s still BO, BOS. If you’re going to come and go, you might as well cut one off now. If you find out, please let me know, but I’m going back to Cambridge Police Station. I haven’t even gotten back here yet. I’m going to go somewhere with that dance, um, and I can’t talk at all after I go. Even after it’s over. It’s okay to a certain extent , whichever way you go back there, go back now, there’s no problem, go back, there’s no problem, go the other way, uh, if you leave this as it is and proceed with the main thing, there’s no relation to BOS. The BOS is fixed, so there’s still a long way to go, but it’s still okay, but either way, I think it’s better to leave this for a while.If you ‘re not going to be able to make a giant robot, then the BOS will be fixed. You can get power armor , you can get power armor, you can get power armor, you can’t do it, you ca n’t do it, you can’t do it, you can’t do it. Even though I’ve finished progressing through the main game , I’ve pretty much figured out the BOS quests up to the point where they become friends. I’m sorry, I understand. I can just go. This means I’m fine for now. I’m sorry. My explanation was confusing and I couldn’t convey it at all. So I’m going to put this first. I’m going to put everything down. It’s difficult to do this. I don’t have the ingredients. Is it okay to do this ? Some people are saying scary things. Is this all? Eh, it means we haven’t decided on a force yet. Thank you. This is, uh, 22222 is fine . This is this. Where is this? Um, this has to be rank 4. So for now, this is 2. How can I do this individually? Something is not connected . Something is wrong. I have never left the BOS until after clearing the game, so I don’t know either . If the capacity is yellow, then it’s true. Wait, wait, wait a minute, what should I connect this to? It’s okay here, but Sturgis will do something about it. Wait a minute, uh, first of all , I can’t connect this here. This is it . Atsuki Sagetaro-san Conball and power shortage 20 There, 20 won’t work Is there anything around here? Is there any left? There’s nothing I can do about it. I want to do it quickly, so I’ll put this here as well. That’s enough, thank you. If you leave it until Akuriago, the second one will attack and there will be an enemy below. Well, I guess it’s better to leave it to your friends first. Thank you, this isn’t connected. Excuse me, excuse me. See you later. I guess we don’t have enough power. Wait a minute, this doesn’t work. I only have 3. I can’t use it. I can’t use it. Wait, I can’t use it. I can’t use it. I don’t have enough power. Is this 1? I wonder if it’s 1. 5. It’s not enough. Let’s calm down once . I’m sure it’s faster than that, I think it’s faster to master science. Now that I ‘ve done this, I’m going to leave. And if something goes wrong, what should I tell my friends before I leave? I do n’t know if I should go, but I don’t think there’s a chance that I won’t be asked if it’s a bug or something, so I’ll go to BOS once this person has finished flowing in. Everything looks good here. I’m not ready to test it out to see if it actually works. Don’t say anything. Really, all you have to do is get on that platform. Scan for Institute signals and lock on to that one . Let’s turn it on and see the result. It’s understandable that I’m scared. I’m not scared. I’m going to use it. I’m going to use it. So how do I do that? I’m going to use it whenever I’m ready. I want to stay still and make sure the molecular beam doesn’t shift. It looks like it’s the perfect machine to gather information about the Institute and find out what they’re up to. It’s just a gimmick with a program that scans their network and downloads what it finds. Okay, move on. No, I can’t move, so it might be too late right now.Sit tight.It’s so exciting, Jisoo is so excited.Even if I turn on the hot air conditioner, I still have to stand up, but I’m wearing it.Should I put something in here ? Which air conditioner is it? It’s not gone. Well, thank you for this. I’m looking for Sturgis. Thank you for starting the scan. [Music] That’s it. Just take this and go home. Give the holotape to Hades. You have to get the holotape. I’m going to go home. Wait a minute, what should we do? [Music] Ah , I can’t go home. Welcome to the advanced world. Ah, Father. It’s good to be here. I seem to be very intelligent. I’m known as Father. The institute is me. I know why you’re here I want us to talk I want you to get on the elevator It’s a big spoiler Yeah , that’s what you heard I can only imagine what you think about us It’s just a story I want to prove you wrong about the impression you have of us on Lee. That’s right. I came here looking for super. This is the reality of the institute. This place, these people, we… For more than 100 years , we have dedicated ourselves to the survival of the human race.Decades of research, unprecedented experiments and testsWe have a common understanding of how science can help shape our future. We’ve got a vision. It’s not simple, but it’s pretty. Our actions are kings and are misunderstood by the people on earth. Maybe one day we’ll be able to show what we’ve achieved, but right now we have to do it. It’s too important here. So many things happened that I couldn’t cover everything. As you can see, things on earth are unstable . So here’s a special, very personal first for some people who talked about what we can do. It was from another streamer. I didn’t see it in the game. I was looking for you. I was looking for you . I was looking for you. It’s been a long time. I forgot who it is. There’s no way I can remember, Mom. Yes, I’m Mom. Father. What’s the matter? What’s going on? Mom is here. Dad is dead. But Mom is here. Father Father, open the door, open the door, stranger, go over there, help Zaza, there’s someone here, help me , calm down . The child’s reaction was very different from what I had expected, and the child knew it was a piece of work.It was a very emotionally stimulating influence, so I knew it was difficult for me to come here. I’m Father, welcome to the Institute.I’m Father.Give me the Shin.I got the real one.I got it.He was desperate to find that girl.Let’s just say this.This is ridiculous.Ah, it’s so ridiculous that it’s a joke . That’s a certain good face that you quickly adapted to the environment.I want you to understand that the situation is far more complex than you might imagine.You have just found your son who has traveled a great distance and has suffered a great deal. It looks like Ta ‘s tenacity and dedication will be rewarded after all this time. The first character’s face turns from a face that says I’m happy to have met you. I’m crazy because I’m your son. I promise you I’ll give you a break. And it’s totally true, in Boruto there was no concept of the passage of time. You got thrown out of the pod and went out to find your lost son. But then you found out that he wasn’t a boy anymore, but a 10-year-old boy. But is it really that hard to admit that it’s been 60 years, not 10 years? That’s the reality. So here I am, brought up by the Institute. You’re the leader, you’ve been kidnapped, you’ve been touched, you’ve been kidnapped, I think that’s right, right, wrong , you’re not the Grandmother, you were needed, the Institute, the future of humanity depends on it. At the time in 2227, the Institute took a huge step forward in the creation of androids, a shocking but not quite enough scientific curiosity and pursuit of the goal of perfection that made them even better than themselves. They ‘ve become complete machines. So they followed the best role models of their time. They ‘re human beings. They’re courageous, fully integrated, able-bodied beings. Murph, I think I understand the story. The Institute was struggling to create synthetic beings, and the most logical starting point was of course human DNA. Of course, there was a lot of DNA available, but none of it was missing. I was protected from the radiation mutations that had infected every human cell in this West Lafayette Confederacy, and I was exactly what they needed. And my DNA became the basis for synthetic beings and was used to imagine the humans and androids we see today.I am their father.A tribe through science.Androids Me and you I’ll do my best and take my time. I’ve just infiltrated the Institute. I understand how you feel after wasting 60 years. I’m sure you have questions. If it helps you understand, I’ll do anything I can to answer. About your father, Dad didn’t get to see you grow up.Of course I looked up the records of what happened to him.What happened to him seems like unfortunate collateral damage.I’ve been wondering who your parents were for so many years. I accepted my situation and lived my life as it was. As I grew older, my regrets grew and I spelled out what-ifs so often. But what’s important now is that you and I have a chance to start again. It’s okay to have a kid older than you say things like this to comfort your heart, right ? You’re angry because he was your subordinate. He was an intern long before I came here. He was an asset to the Institute, and I didn’t know about all the work he did until he was put in charge.I never knew what kind of man he was.I didn’t know what kind of man he was.I did n’t know if I could go, so I’d shoot him.Wait a minute.The man who took advantage of him was a psychopath. I’m sure he wasn’t happy about letting him do what he wanted in the Reno Federation , but at least keeping him short would have minimized the collateral damage . The Institute’s technology extended his life and his abilities far beyond the lifespan of a normal human. He never failed in the Institute’s work, but he was forced to do his best to accomplish his goals. Now it’s clear I won’t lie It’s not a coincidence that your path crossed with his Now you know we ‘ve had some measure of revenge Is there anything else I can say to comfort your heart? I mean , you’re in charge of the Institute.I’ve spent years looking for someone to actually be in charge of the Institute, which is actually an important organization. We’re the best hope for the future of humanity, no matter what people on earth think of us. That’s right. That’s C. So why are you in charge? Why are you in charge? Why are you in that position obviously? Most deserving Why did I spend my life behind these walls , devoting myself to science like the rest of the Institute ? My hard work paid off. After all, the Federation has no reason to fear us. No matter what you see or hear, that makes sense. Wait, wait, it’s pretty bad. We have more to talk about , but the Institute is just around the corner, and it’s an important step 5. Remember, we’re there. I have been a part of the amazing things here that have helped create life for myself and the people at the Institute, and now after many years you can do it too . Isn’t that interesting? Isn’t that what you wanted to do? Stay here. I want you to stay here. Isn’t it hard to imagine suggesting that to the Institute? Chute offers a better life than the one on Earth. You’ve traveled around the Federation and seen what it’s like. I guarantee you’ll be happier if you spend time with us. You’re beautiful. You have white hair. I don’t know the color of your skin. I don’t know what to do. I understand, and that’s why I want to help. If I think about it rationally, the Institute is the only thing left in the world worth belonging to. What I want to hear is, do the Institute give me a chance? I’m asking you to give me a chance to prove what I’ve been talking about. We really care about humanity. Who will give me that chance? The development field is winning. I’m afraid to build. I don’t know what I’m saying. I want to give the institute a chance.I want the institute to be my home as well as your home.I want to take time to get used to it.I want to meet the people I will be working with.Introduce myself to the managers . Then there’s Dr. Fillmore from the Equipment Department, Dr. A from SRB, then Dr. Horn from the Bioscience Department, and finally Dr. Horn from the Advanced Systems Department.Of course they don’t know about your arrival, so what happens next? I guess I can’t go home if I don’t advance. Can I go home now? [Music] I think I can go home, but I can’t go home yet. I’ll get it for now. [Music] I looked for Neke’s milk. In the end, it turned out to be Strong-chan . I’ll be able to go home once I’m done with Leeler and Ao from the department.Okay, thank you. I ‘m sure.I wonder if I’ll be able to teleport by talking about that teleportation.Is it okay if I come back again?I don’t need this.Hmm . I wonder where there are so many people here and there , and I wonder where they’re going from here, so everyone’s going to do it. Well , it’s mostly lower all the way down . It’s a bit of a painful souvenir. It’s just one more primary movement, and the primary movement broke this month. Personally, I think this kind of old model should be discontinued quickly. I think most of these kids are built to last, especially since most of them have exceeded their theoretical lifespans.That ‘s true.Still , I can’t wait to see what happens in the third generation.That’s it, I’m done.Go back to work. Thank you very much . It’s rare to receive such a warm welcome. I want you to be grateful for your good fortune. I’m looking forward to working with you. Oh, doctor, I wasn’t lying. I never thought you’d actually come. I wonder which way I’m going. But I ‘m sure you’re all thinking the same thing. You’ve been through an unbelievable experience that I heard from you. A person from the waves would have despaired. If you can’t help it, please tell me. What has supported you this far? My son. I found the son I wanted to protect, and now that I’ve found the son I wanted to protect, I hope I can be proud that he’s grown into a fine man.Now, I ‘m going to give you a quick explanation of the facility, and then I’ll answer any questions you may have. As you can imagine, we keep the institute’s mechanical and electrical systems in working order . Behind these walls, we are upgrading the maintenance of the entire system so that we can work and live like this place. There are a lot of machines that recycle air and water and provide electricity to laboratories and compounds. It may not be as exciting a job as other departments, but at least it’s important. I’m here. If we’re talking about the bride, that means you’re a friend too.Ah, this person has a golden theory about her.Of course, I’m glad to hear that.I’m relieved.Don’t panic, let’s get along well.There seem to be a lot of things going on.It doesn’t seem obvious from the surface. If there’s anything you want to know about the facilities department, I’ll be happy to talk to you about it, but how about your electricity? That’s it for now. I’m pretty grateful. Goodbye. Everyone’s lost. I’m even more lost. Everyone’s worried, right? It ‘s an honor. Father, when will she be able to tell the mysterious phase 3? As long as the marker is out, it’s fine. After it’s out, I can’t go where I want to go. She’s been doing tests for over 2 hours. What I’m doing is just for fun, but it’s rude, Doctor. Hey, you’re here. Yeah, I know who you are. Everyone knows. I’m sure Father would be very happy if you were here, but I don’t want you to interfere with my work. Don’t worry, I won’t bother you. Don’t worry, I promise I won’t bother you. Thank you , thank you. Oh, before I forget, show me your pip-boy. Now we can go home. We’re told to install a chip. It’s the Father’s orders. Now I have the power to go in and out of the Institute using a transport device that allows me to live freely. Thank you. I think it will come in handy someday. Considering that the transport device is the only way to access the Institute, it will be useful . I’m saying this because I’m afraid you’re being too modest in conveying the seriousness of it, but since you’re the only one here who has it, it should at least prove Father’s trust in you. I don’t have anything else to do. If not , I’ll have to go back to my post.I’m sorry, but I understand that you want to see the progress report for this department.Kamide, the resources for other projects, such as the children’s androids, have been moved to Phase 3.Ground. Please understand that the hard work you put in will bring you success, and that it depends greatly on you.But please take your time.Thank you for coming.In the third season, Pichi Pichi Babal is a score and Insu is not destroyed. No, I’ll be able to do it even if I don’t destroy it.One day, I’ll have a more powerful reactor in my room.The truth is, I want to save everything.I want to save everything.I don’t want to destroy this place either, but I’m going to have to destroy it. I thought no, I can’t talk. [Music] But Dr. Lee, I understand a lot now. I’m excited that you’re here. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do. You’re the BOS route. As you progress, you’ve probably done that before, right? Well, that’s what it’s like at the end. That’s right , so you’ll want to choose the mini route as the first route. It’s as sad as possible, and you have the least to lose. It was a long time ago that I did the route, so I don’t remember much about it. I did the all-peace route. Yes, I wanted it to be all-peace. If the legendary circle crusher tool doesn’t work, everyone will be safe. It has to work. If it doesn’t work, it’ll be a bit There’s a special way. Survival is a special thing, isn’t it? After making a promise, how can you do that Virgil’s thing now? Welcome. It ‘s an architecture. It seems like it’s a reality. It won’t end forever. Isn’t that the best way? It’s the best way to not see the ending that doesn’t end. That might be a good idea . I can do it now. Well, BOS, Lee, and Relroad are all open , and I’m going to save on energy costs. Yes, yes, yes, yes, that’s true . You know the rules. It’s only for authorized people. Doctor, I thought I could hide in my office. Oh, there’s a quest mark. Thank you, Science Boy. Hao, Science Boy. Run away from here. Personally , I think Vergil was finished when the Father was transferred to Nameku. Is there really no need to go all the way to the end ? It’s so cute to help. If you say that, you’re cute. If you destroy it, you can’t go back. It’s so sad. There’s no facility better than the entire system , but I can’t move forward by reading the comments. No , I’m 14 and I’m not messing with what store. Hello. As a supply crew member at the Institute, I can provide supplies for marking landmarks.Okay, let’s see.Is this something that increases speed and lilo speed? Is there something stronger?I still need to give energy or something. It’s something that can’t be modified, right? If you’re looking for Asis armor around here, you ‘ll find it. It’d be nice to have a chameleon or something, but it’s expensive, so I’m glad it was written about Nena-chan. Well then, it’s also Bioence and Vergil. Did you have time to read my report? I haven’t seen it yet. I ‘m currently looking at Father’s plans for expanding the mission in Warwick . I couldn’t do anything else because I was in such a bad mood.I wonder how the family was able to survive.The child is almost 10 years old. We’re trying not to think too much about ourselves here, but that family is the last survivor of history that’s about to be lost. It’s best not to dwell on this issue. They ‘re human beings. At the very least, I have to admit that I feel sorry for the people who are still suffering.In the end, if they can’t even maintain their humanity, why would they treat people?I’ll leave that question to my colleagues in the robotics department. That’s number one, right? I think it’s written that the future of humanity is about to arrive here. The body of the span is a person. That’s not it. Welcome Doctor. Thank you very much for coming. Bioscience. I’m dying to show you how much I’m the head of the division, Clayton, and I’m excited to learn more.If that’s the case, I’ll give you a quick overview of what we do here.As the name suggests, the bioscience department is food science. As someone who specializes in genetics and medicine, my most important role is to protect the health and happiness of everyone at the Institute.For this purpose, we cultivate artificial plants with special products and use them for food and medicine. I saw that gorilla who is even starting to study animals. It’s just a pet at the moment, but it still has amazing potential. You say that nothing is impossible. With ingenuity and hard work, you can overcome any difficulty. Give yourself a lot of time. It seems like I’ve lost my mind, but let me tell you this.Have you decided whether to join your group?It looks like you’re going sightseeing.I’m here to go sightseeing.I’m all dressed up.Let’s try it.I don’t know if I’ll fit in well, but I want to join.I’ve been waiting for those wonderful words. I’m sure you still want to look around, or if you have any questions, feel free to ask me any questions.S will mess things up.He will tell you about the bad medical staff and introduce him to Taddy Bolker, who may be helpful from time to time. Dr. Volker, who is the best biologist at the Institute and also has a good relationship with the residents, is working in the examination room.If you have any questions , please ask him at any time. It’s true that the day is a little sparkly, or it’s like a wedding , but it’s more cute than Strong , and it’s called Spam and Companion. I don’t even know if it’s because of his looks.I should have put him first.But it’s already too late.I’m scanning for Takashi ‘s presence.I’m seriously considering going into the robotics department and spanking him to make him disappear. That guy in 3 is really strong, what? Strong 3 is having a lot of trouble with the gate where there is a sadistic strong person, but E is a robot. Why don’t you leave him alone? My method always yields results. The robotics department was a little more timid, and they didn’t make the androids want to break free. Don’t forget that they’re quite different from humans. Strong means strong. Doctor. Yeah, I thought you were strong. I’m going to keep an eye on you for a little while longer with Justin, the deputy director of Director S. Your relationship with Father is certainly strong, and you’re a bit of an unscrupulous person, but he probably rejected you, but it doesn’t seem like there’s any problem. The companion’s skin is too [Music] Why don’t you trust me? To be honest, it’s because you’re an outsider. In fact, outsiders are n’t allowed to come to the Institute. It’s unprecedented, so be on guard. The Father asked me to briefly explain to you the outline of the very personal emotional book SRB.My biggest mission is to run away and collect the android among the humans at the landmark.It ‘s Arron, isn’t it? For everyone. The Into’s advanced technology cannot be handed over to the wrong person, so the person who is in charge of the recovery work is Courser. Courser is a third-generation android who is in charge of landmark missions. Tracking and retrieving the Androids that escaped from the Institute It is highly self-sufficient and shows its ability in pursuit and infiltration combat.In short, even though it is a terrible performance, I have already met Kosar, so I know all about this.How did I actually defeat it? Katotoda ‘s group of people has been going on since then.About my combat experience, I’m not an amateur at all when it comes to combat, but no matter who I am, I’m sure I’ll be able to fight Kosar by myself. Looks like we’ll have to ask the robotics department to do a detailed analysis of the whole thing. There’s not a lot of problems here. If it’s too much, let me get back to work. It’s a pain, it’s a pain. I haven’t heard anything about how Androids regenerate. What I want to know is that Kosa finds a bad android that ran away and uses the android’s recall code to rewrite its memories so that it can never be resisted.The way he speaks is interesting.This method starts a precise process to restore the arrangement of neural pathways. In successful cases, people lose their memories of landmarks at the spa. It’s too scary. There are things that can’t be repaired, so they’re forced to dispose of it. Please keep going . [Music] What? [Music] Horagame , oh hello , I’m not doing Insu’s Institute mission. I don’t think I’ll do it this time either. I already want to do the DLC, I want to do it, but I don’t listen to it at all, and I’m getting kind of desperate. That’s not good. Hello, Father is giving us imagination. I’m going to talk about something that caused this.I wonder if someday I’ll be able to make friends.I had a chance to see the Institute that seems to have ended, but I wonder if there are any impressions.I was surprised.I even imagined it. I’m glad you understand that we have the technology we’ve never seen before , and nothing has been easy. That goal is precisely our humanity, which has been redefined.Unfortunately, there is a setback to progress.Our androids are extremely capable, but they can also be dangerous if not properly managed. If the mind and body of a superior android were to collide with something close to free will, chaos could ensue.If androids were endowed with intelligence and self, they would have the right to have free will. If we show them what we have to show, which is only a figment of our imagination, they will be convinced that we know the best path for the androids. A rogue android has taken control of Libertalia ‘s raider group. He has been erased and his identity has been switched. He believes he is a human named Gabriel. Many innocent lives were taken away by his radar. He was released into Libertalia. He joins him and wants him to retrieve the android. Let’s take the human and bring that human back home. That’s the way to go for everyone. Let’s go now. Many people will be in danger, but their lives will be lost . I said I’ll join up with the little one. I guess I should join the camera. When I saw it for the first time, I knew it was going on and I didn’t want to help. Why is it like that? [ Music ] There’s no concert mark, but we’re still fighting. I don’t know where Eko is, but oh, let’s just save. Oh, okay, what’s the check? Which quest is occurring? There’s nothing like this around here. [Applause] It was n’t in the valley. It’s happening now. I’ll do it while watching. Cosato’s rendezvous was on site. Harumaki-san reminded me of that. Thank you. That’s right, there’s quite a lot of stuff over there. If you go outside of the plague mark, the enemies won’t appear, but they don’t seem to be here . Then, erase this. Who should I meet ? Should I meet Lily? Oh, that’s not it . I guess I have to go to that place. Well, I ca n’t remember anything major here. Is there anyone? I don’t know if anyone is here. If you go inside, you’ll see that Sheffield is a bit of a place with a lot of neglect. Just think about it. I didn’t have coke with me all the time, so I was in trouble. Don’t go navigating. Rumor has it that Dakuma isn’t that detailed, it’s okay to be that rough. So I went to the bioscience department and looked at the middle-dangerous person. I understand that there is a door open in the bioscience department. I understand that there is a door in the situation . [Music] Moe , this is it, no, no , no, there was no one here. Hey, I made a mistake. I came up with the wrong answer. I’m sorry. I’m glad I asked the person who came. It was early. Okay. I did my best. I went . You can see it when you see it. You can see it when you look at it. [Laughs] I noticed, I got it . You can open it with a hairpin. Is it lightweight ? On the other hand, Nana-chan is amazing. You can open it with a pin. No , let’s get the mug. I don’t need a mug. Oh, I don’t need a glass. You ‘re a genius , right? You’re a genius. I haven’t brought any water. The amount of recovery is increasing. You’re strong. [ Music ] [Music] Thank you. Hey everyone, save the police. Why are there so few bullets? [Music] This is important around here . We need this. Okay, Cebu. The Cebu Police. I drank . Everybody’s a little too good. Save. I’ve been saying too much. Thanks for the hairpin. I can’t do it, I can’t do it, it’s a hit, it’s a hit, it’s a hit . Wait, what should I do? I better do it properly. If I can’t go with this, I can’t do it properly . It’s okay if it’s too much trouble. Yeah , Super Jet is Cebu Police. Why is it so troublesome? It’s so troublesome . Just a little bit more. If it’s bigger, I don’t think it’s worth trying at all.The screen is a little too small, which is not good.What do you mean by candidates? Wait a minute , it’s better to be bigger.I made a mistake.Look here too. I just need a bomb food I need a little bit of it. What kind of candidate candidate Kao Terminal with this is what this is what this is the one . It ‘s stressful. I guess I can’t do it. I can’t close it up. I can’t do it even if I press the button. I can’t do it on my own. I ‘m so close to the microphone, I wonder if my voice is okay. I forget which way it was coming from now. Damn SasTexas Oh, Texas did this, it’s amazing, I want to do it. That ‘s enough. Thank you , thank you, a miracle. I made a miracle. This is it. Is there any enemy that Strong can have now? It’s not an enemy, it’s something dangerous. It’s a ground battle in a church battle that wasn’t here. Wait , it’s scary, it’s scary, it’s scary. What should I do ? It’s over, it’s over, it’s over. I’m going to change it, but I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared. I ‘m scared. I’m scared. It’s late. The police are late. It’s a late warning . I did it, I did it, I did it, no, no, no, no, don’t stop.I open the door and tell Heb Skinner that there’s no reaction from the enemy.He says, "No, I won’t say that.I won’t say that.I’m glad for the enemy.I have a good weapon and it’s scary. Save Save Save. Okay, I’m scared . I don’t like it. I don’t like it. I’m scared. I still do n’t want something like this . Thank you. This is thick. I don’t have a prench. Weapons that strong can carry. I’m doing a lot of work Oh, thank you, thank you everyone Save Thank you to the police I don’t need food I don’t need it I don’t need it I do n’t need it I don’t need it I don’t need it I don’t need it I don’t need electricity I do n’t need electricity There’s a meaning in opening this place There’s a meaning in opening this place Relationships Kana-chan is on a diet and says she doesn’t need all the garbage. She only took medicine and she likes her clothes. It’s gotten heavier. What should I do? I don’t need it, I don’t need it. I don’t need all these clothes. I don’t need a Salt Rifle. I don’t need this either. What ‘s so heavy about it ? Does the paint here or there turn into oil? The glass should be thrown away I don’t use a wrench or anything. It’s still going to be heavy. Well, then Jakosa’s clothes seem to be heavy. Isn’t it white? White isn’t that big of a deal. I need all that fashion. I think I’ll be able to get more from now on. Yo, but I can’t carry any more [music] The weapons and armor are heavy and heavy, and your clothes are precious, and I don’t need that meat, or that cola, oh yeah, cat, cat, don’t leave it here. Should I just say it? I have it. Nana-chan doesn’t need cola. I don’t need this. It’s a mysterious formation. I guess it’s a cat. Ceramic is important right now. Even if I have too much of it, it’s medicine. Are there any weights like the Run Away and this one? Is it better not to carry anything other than stim packs ? Even if it’s 0.1, if you have 10 of them, you’ll end up with 10 of them. I have a lot of stuff to pick up later, so how long does it take? I don’t need it , I don’t need it, I don’t need a brush. I hate organizing . Your clothes are really heavy. These are the clothes that are really heavy. Well, in a sense it might be quite heavy. [Music] [Music] Those are Eko’s clothes. I’m going to make everyone wear them, so I can’t have just one. It’s on sale . I wonder if this is what I’m thinking again. Thank you, but I keep forgetting. I understand that. Well , I guess it would be nicer if you just said, “Well, it’s true .” Well, there’s an Institute village, and there’s a trap. It’s true. What is this trap? It’s something you can pass through, but it explodes. I always wondered what it was Ah, picking Yes, we need a terminal Ah, the turret. Sorry, Rhett . The turret starts moving when someone touches it. We have to do it properly. I’m like that too. I also thought that it was effective to make the day go by.I’m sure it was found before I stepped on it.I should do it properly.But I can’t wait a minute now.I don’t know.I don’t know.From the top here.12Top left three from the top left. That’s the only point I can get the crystal from. It’s not like if I step on it, it’s not like that. It ‘s so good that my eyes are tired. I thought I was going to miss it again. I wonder what the enemy is again. It happens like this sometimes What’s going on? Are bullets really bad ? There’s nothing here . Thank you. Thank you Long Habitat Generated Value Birth Value Oh thank you Thank you Doctor Brian Virgil Basil This will be the last recording Not a letter Let’s cancel the F program Rejected It seems like we haven’t learned anything in the last 10 years Why? Father will insist on continuing.If that person doesn’t understand, I have to do something about it myself.What I ‘m doing now is wrong.I have to stop it.Someone will do this after I’m gone. If you ask, you’ll understand that I didn’t want to hurt anyone.Can anyone understand?Cancel all programs.If not forever, then at least for a few years.I know that people will think I’ve betrayed you . That’s how people are, so I have an idea that I want to leave. If it works out, I think I ‘ll be able to go to a safe place. A place where even Kosar won’t find me. What we’ve done is the life we ​​took. If there’s a God, it’s for us. I just hope you’ll show me mercy. He’s a nice guy. Basil is oh Dr. Elliot. The official report date and time for the Bioscience Board is August 2178. We’ve been working on grain production estimates since I took office. I’m happy to report that all of this is true , but there’s just one problem. I heard from Dr. Frederick that the board has approved research on a sample of the FEV virus. Frederick already owns the sample. I don’t have any doubts about the board of directors.I think they understand that.I don’t want to know why this happened.This is troublesome.It could be dangerous.I will try to minimize the risk. I need to understand what this means.The data is completely different.I will report it to the Dr. Elliott Bioscience Department in March 2224.I received new experimental materials.However, as I said in the previous report, this is just a waste of time. I agree with the team that the two promising FEV golds have changed to ideal conditions but have forgotten something.New research tools are needed to advance artificial organ research. There’s no point in purchasing experimental materials from the Federation. Everyone has the same problem. They’re exposed to too much radiation. We need a new approach. I have a proposal that I’m planning to publish soon. I’m not completely convinced. But it still seems like the best way to do it, so it’s over. It seems like it’s over. Hey, this is a really small font, but what the heck, 60 years ago, we decided which way to go here and kidnapped Shon. That’s what happened. You can’t see it. So, is this enough for me? I can’t get it, I can’t get it, I can’t get it, I can’t get it, I’m not here anymore I don’t want to do any more screws, so I’m going to go fast travel and take things until the very last moment.Ah , the surgical tray is aluminum , so I think I’ll just take a little bit of it. How long will this last? [Music] How long will this last? Wait, I’ll get a little more . What’s the applicator? Few people have the patience to observe and record the growth of plants. [Music] I took it . What is this mark, WT? I don’t know the order in which it was taken. No, I can still take it. I can still take it. The applicator is aluminum. If it glows, I should take the applicator. The optical fiber banner, the sensor, everything. It’s aluminum . I heard there’s a new food supplement available. Price, uh, value, uh, value, price, weight, weight, thank you. By the way, what’s the recorder? Everything around here is good. Put it in the Institute. Most of the equipment here is necessary.That’s right.It ‘s better to take as much of the things as you can get from here.That’s right.I’m on a diet with food that can only be bought here, so I don’t need it anymore. I can’t have the Kosa uniform, I can’t have it, but [Music] I’m sure, uh, before we finish, I’ll come and collect everything. You can do it behind the scenes, ah, calorie mate, ah, it’s diet-colored. I just came in. I came here again. There are some things that I can take away. Did I take them all ? Didn’t I take them earlier? This is different . I haven’t taken them. I wonder if I should take them here and here. Was there ever a quest to put something in this box? There was one, wasn’t there? Oh, I don’t need a plate. Is there a ceramic plate? Right now, Hatana-chan, I need a plate. It takes a lot of weight. Things have gotten better now, Mika-san, Kobol and Holtsberry Steak . I ‘m sorry. I don’t need a mug. I don’t need anything. I want a serious wrench gear. Yes, it’s a plate. Debt medicine is a debt medicine. It’s important and simple. I’m hungry. Why do I get hungry playing this game ? I don’t need science-based crafting that much. I wonder what science-based crafting is, but I just got the DLC. I’m going to make a lot of things, so come back . Where did you get all that information? I’m going to put it in there. I ‘m off to pick up some flowers. Now that my luggage is lighter, I ‘m going to go over there and sort out the medicine. I wonder if it’s in here. I heard that he looked like a genius here. [Music] I think it’s okay to have just three of these. He has Ultra Jet.Head Ripper.Head Ripper.It’s much lighter.There’s also a mysterious formation.There’s no need to have this. I’m fine with just 2 of them, okay? Well, water, water , flowers, etc. Also, what’s heavy? I went on a diet, but it’s still heavy, and I don’t have grapes. I don’t need to have any medicine that I don’t use. Okay , what’s so heavy about this ? Is water a heavy weapon ? It can’t be helped . I won’t use it. I don’t need anything but Entas grape. That ‘s the origin of Solsbury steak. I do n’t need anything else. Well, let’s just bring it. [Music] Well , it’s not a big deal, but it’s an important farm. It’s a pile of flowers. I ‘ve got her clothes. I ‘m going to bring in flowers.If you want to do it, let’s do it together.Okay, I ‘m back.Farming is more important than any other job.It ‘s all about farming now.Save is nice.Save.Yes, I want to eat steak.I want to eat steak.And then , um, it ‘s a star. Flotape Give the holotape to Surgess.I don’t think he’s working or that this place is really getting better.It ‘s all up to me. It would be nice if we had a lot of data on the Institute. Let’s take a closer look to see how much useful information we can get. We’re not the enemy. Remember, the Institute is not the enemy. But it’s important to be prepared. This time, it’s the Federation’s turn. There’s a possibility that we both think that’s a small thing for both of us. Oh, all the important information here is decipherable, so first we’ll crack it. Next, we’ll see what we have. What did we manage to get out of their mainframe? You won’t be able to see it unless you look it up . Don’t bother me so much . Done. Completed 7 is more meat than fish. But I like fish too. I like fish too. Poor old lady, I want to eat steak. But, I want to go out. I don’t want to go out to eat or buy something, I’m already tired so I can’t do it, so I don’t have the one I have at home right now.Well, I ordered a hot dog for lunch from Dotour Dotour so I’m going to eat a hot dog today . I ‘m so surprised that Virgil has to go to Virgil. Best of all, that hasn’t happened. Uba’s steaks aren’t very expensive, and the extra charge is n’t great. All of a sudden , the steaks are like that. It won’t last long in my radioactive environment. But you’re the one who came back to the relay station with a woman called Mr. Dillane angry. It’s completely emotional and heated. I want that. Thanks to the interceptor, it was rough, but it worked out. Ao-dori, Ofu-san. How do I eat Kobol? Is it okay to say that I can’t find it? This is such a terrible thing. I can’t pass the decisive battle.It’s right here.It’s exactly that.The Metro virus has grown well.Dense mating is high.The half-intron sequence has been constructed.Let ‘s play again. Bye-bye, that’s good, that’s good, there’s no way to know if you’ll hear it, it ‘s over, I’ll do it again. Don’t do it , I hope so. Just wait for the retrovirus to run its course. Take a break. Come back in a few days or a week. Then we’ll see. In any case, I was trying to get him to say that he fulfilled his responsibility. I want to play Proro . The sound of the game isn’t too loud. It’s true. I’m responsible for security and cannons. My voice isn’t included. The game’s voice is loud. How’s everyone going to balance? Virgil is talking right now. How about I just remembered what I’ll do after I decide. I forgot to go to the barge . Is the game loud? Is it okay? Wait a minute , wait a minute, uh, the game is loud. The volume here is just right. I guess it just happened that my voice was small . All I have to do is move on and go here once to kill time. That’s fine. Thank you. Thank you. I understand. Maybe it was just a coincidence. Let’s escape. Don’t kill time here. Wait for Momoe. What are you doing ? Prolo prolo. There’s no problem. After all, that’s it . This is the decisive battle [music]. I guess it won’t be done until a little more time has passed. Yeah, I’ve been trying to sleep all day long. It’s not an easy life, but [music] It’s heavy, wrapped around my head 24 hours a day. YouTube oh, it said 1 week 1 week I haven’t listened to you at all I’m sorry I understand. If you haven’t seen Gray Garden, you should go. That place is managed only by robots. I’m going to help the caravan. I’m going to help Ada-chan Oh, I’m going to see Ada-chan This is the caravan’s emergency signal. Is this a big one? Just go and rescue the caravan. Okay, this is it . Change your clothes. Be sure to wear glasses and bring protective clothing. What is this? Is this Eda’s one? Erm, change this. Where do I receive this ? Is there a marker? Where is it? I’m done finding the caravan. Ah , I’m done. I go to rescue the caravan, but I find this. It was here [Music] Yokage-san, Kobold , I wonder if Kobold has been there since a while ago. I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go, I ca n’t do it, I can’t do it, what should I do ? I should go. Thank you . We’re being attacked by robots. We need protection. The place is Watt Electronics. If there’s anyone around here who can help, please do it now. Ada. Repeat this message. I’m not strong. I’m strong. Right , I didn’t bring any water. I loaded it up, adjusted the time, and did it again. It’s a little dark, so I’m worried. Wait a minute , wait a minute, get some water, get some water here. Set to Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, hey, he’s strong, right? I just shot him, but now I can’t seem to get rid of him. But he’s not as strong as Arlo, oh, that’s a fake wire that says that this person is naughty. [Music] This is over, no , this isn’t dropping anything . We’ve torn everything apart and everyone’s floating. Thank you, Kemikan. What’s with Flo Tape? I’m not human, so I guess I did something meaningless. It’s embarrassing. It’s embarrassing. This is weird. I can’t fix it. There’s a bug in it. There must be something wrong with it. The stream went back to the beginning, so I couldn’t get into it . It’s okay to talk about it.Azoi ‘s diary.It’s the same as always.Hold on, what’s going on?What’s wrong with this? What’s this?What’s wrong with this story?What’s the story of the legend?What’s that?I don’t know the right answer.I don’t know the right answer. Well , that’s it. Well, let’s load it again. I get it right. It’s not here . I get it. I have to go back further. The location is east of Wad Electronics. If there’s anyone in the area who can help me, please do it now. Repeat the message. I got this. There’s a human on the other end . This is actually an emergency broadcast . I didn’t get it right after all. [Applause] Well, I guess it’s better to say it’s a bug. I made a mistake in installing it. I’m going to install it again and where am I going? Look, I can’t do it. I’m going to go back a little bit. It’s dangerous. I saved. Wait a minute. Wait a minute from here. I just did a quick save. I’m an idiot . is an emergency broadcast The caravan has turned into a hostile robot, the people have turned into robots, and it’s floating around. It’s happened once. Hey, uh, should I restart? I’ll try that. I’ll try that. Hey, wait a minute. This is the sound . This is the first time I ‘ve seen it . It’s gonna happen, right? Even if the bugs come out, what if it hasn’t been fixed? I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. I’ll do it tomorrow. Even now, this is happening. [Music] I wonder how much sleep I should get. Listen, this is an emergency broadcast. The caravan is being attacked by hostile robots and needs assistance. The location is east of Wad Electronics. If anyone in the area can help, please do so now. I can repeat this message. Also, the thing about hearing nothing and running to it is that the sound just disappeared , and Karan is being attacked by Loto, so repeat this message , I get it, and use Kick Uma to find Charaba. Wow, this is a sudden broadcast. There’s a different gang here who’s being attacked by hostile robots and needs help. The place that needs help is east of Watt Electronics. I wonder if it’s okay to help around here. Maybe it’s this morning. It’s not 6 a.m. It’s 6 a.m. Strong wants to knock something out [MUSIC] Let’s go, what do you think? I just need you to be human I’m ready I’ve got a shotgun and I think I’ll be fine [Applause] Okay. Yeah, it’s weird after all. It’s a bot. [Music] I answered Jixon. Let’s control it. I ‘ll stop it and show it to you. Why ? Why should I stop it ? It’s dangerous. It’s a hand thruster. This thing that looks like it’s floating is a legend around here. This is a legend. I thought this person was dead, but earlier, this thing was falling to the bottom, but it ‘s floating. Everything is floating. It’s normal to stop this and load it and it’s floating, but the chapter is no longer reflected, so I thought I could continue with the game again around here [Music] I see. This is an emergency broadcast. Super Mu, it’s better not to let this happen.Maybe it’s better not to do this quest about a human who needs help because the caravan is being attacked by hostile robots.Eda was safe.Where is this?Yes, this is today. That morning, that’s different. But it seems like it’s not before going to the Institute. Then, this is no good. [Music] [Music] If all the handicap types from here on out are like this, yeah yeah yeah. What happened to Virgil? I wonder if it’s a caravan Yeah yeah yeah But if I put it back in once , it’ll start again from 1 But now I’m in the state I heard, but I’ve removed it once and unplugged it once. If you install and install again, this will normally disappear and you will have to listen to the caravan signal from the beginning again. Check the compatibility of the file. Before uninstalling, first check the compatibility of the file in this state. If it doesn’t work after that, it’s okay to uninstall it. That ‘s okay . You might not know unless you try it. You’ll have to load it in a state where it’s not there and then resave it. I see. Load it in a state where it’s not there, then uninstall it. After that , I entered the game, saved it, installed it, and tried it from the saved data. I wonder if I can find out if I look up the compatibility check for compatible files. It would be faster to start over with data from a while ago. I mean, wait, that’s the data before I put it in. This data right now is the negative signal from the cat caravan, and the data before that is today. All I have left is the save data from when I started [Music] , and the save data from before I started streaming today. What should I do? Shouldn’t I just uninstall it and install it again ? What should I do now? The data from last time is also the data from when I started. [Music] Maybe the arm wasn’t completed? If there’s no problem here, I’ll try to move on. The fireplace has come out and I’m failing. Start checking from the basics, such as when the order of the cases is strange. Yeah, the order in which you installed it has something to do with it. I still don’t understand it, but I haven’t done any downloadable content. I’d like to install it again, but that’s fine.If the ordering is strange, etc., then I understand what you said in the article, but how do I do it? I wonder if I can find it if I look it up.It seems difficult. Maybe I don’t know, but I wonder if I can’t just install it and install it. If I do that, I wonder if it will break. If that’s okay, then I guess I’ll just not do it today and fix it until next time. However , I have installed the same number of updates as the two of them so far, so there was a version before and after.I just installed it today, but I don’t use it anymore, so I think it will go back to zero if I uninstall it. I think it’s okay to uninstall and install 3. I’ll try that once, but if the same thing happens again, I ‘ll just keep going . It’s possible that the update hasn’t been applied to the LC. Well , that’s it [Music] I think there’s no problem if I uninstall all of SAL and then install the site, but I don’t know what to do. DLC came out 7 years ago. I bought it today and installed it today, but it seems like the updated version will be installed.If I pull it, it will follow.In this case, it’s the enemy. Maron, which has a high possibility of being cured by a synthesis check, is a normal and strange line.Even if I update it now, I don’t know what the dependencies are.I don’t understand what you’re saying at all , so I guess I should see if I can update it. If you can’t do it [music] it should be in-game . Move between different areas of the map in-game for 24 to 48 hours. Then if the error occurs, return to the location and check if Vance is reset and the problem is fixed. Please, what’s the in-game map? Move around to another area of ​​the map in-game for 24 to 48 hours. Then return to the location where the error occurred . I don’t quite understand what the error problem is. No, wait, uh, in-game. So, when I say different areas on the map, does that mean in its current state , or after I install and uninstall it? I’ll have to wait a little while to find out when it will be done. No, I’m sorry, I don’t know, guys, I might not be able to do it, I might not be able to do it, yeah, it’s not Steam, it’s ok to complete the anime version, download the DLC [music], it’s ok to complete the vanilla update, D ok, it’s just vanilla update 5 That’s why I downloaded the DLC from this update, and then just yesterday I bought the DLC and installed it, but I guess that means the update hasn’t finished yet. Try sleeping in a place other than the place where the bug occurred , and try sleeping somewhere other than the place where the bug occurred. Try it there. Don’t sleep here . Maybe I should just move somewhere a little bit, wait a day, and then go again. I might sleep in the area within the game time and reset the pirates for a few days. I see. [Music] The motion is strange. It’s possible that the error occurred because the file is missing or old, and that’s pretty much the case with vanilla . Well, if that file is missing, take a break somewhere and go back a few days later, and the same thing will happen again. Does that mean that this will happen? I’ll go back to another location after 13:00. Just in case, I’ll give it a try. Yeah, real reset area. Reset area. It’s okay if you reset the area . In the area other than the area where the bug occurred in the current state. I slept for a few days in an area other than the place where the bug occurred, and the quest that I’m currently in a state where I just finished it has occurred and I’ve made some progress , but isn’t that meaningful? I thought it was okay, but I’ll give it a try anyway. I’m not talking about Steam. I’m talking about Steam . I ‘ll give it a try and fast travel . There’s a possibility that I’ll be there. Save here for now. It’s better to keep at least one save data.In the game, you can increase the amount of money placed, etc., so the previous data is the previous data.The previous data is bad. If it heals , I think I’ll be fine here in Sanctuary. I’ll leave the save data here. I feel like I’m going to have a flat tire too. How’s it going? I can sleep here. I can sleep here . It’s okay to sleep [Music] Thank you everyone [Music] I don’t think I’m thinking too much, but the characters are all saying the same thing in a slightly different way, and it’s so strange that it feels like we’re all saying the same thing [Music] ] I thought I had to read it properly since everyone had included it, but somehow the story had come together among us, and we all agreed that it would be fine as time passed, so someday the super mutants would be around, and I’d get tired of reading the text. Tae Conclusion: I’ve been sleeping for 2 days now. There’s so much information that I don’t understand. I’ve been sleeping for 2 days now. I don’t know what to do. In the end, someone should give me one person, not everyone. When one person goes, I leave it up to that person, and there’s a lot of information I’d like to know.I ended up talking to Virgil.It took about a day to open, but then I had to restart the game console. I just booted it up, right? It’s not a game console, it’s a computer. It’s better to restart the computer. Just in case, I’ve dropped the game once and relogged it. Time heals the wounds. I’m taking a break . By the way, this is data from the first game I play, not data about clearing it.By the way, I played it on the PC version of Xbox [Music] Masu-san Kobol and now I have a bug.A bug has appeared, so I’m just trying out various things. Then it might not be interesting to watch. Please watch slowly. But please watch slowly. Please enjoy. You can talk to me. [Music] It’s all PC, but it’s not Steam. You know, it’s Game Pass. It was free, so I’m playing it on Gepas. [Music] Sorry, it’s not the Xbox version. Gepas. Gepas is on the computer. Sorry, I made a mistake. I’m sorry, I made a mistake. I don’t know. It’s the PC version of Gepas, not the Xbox one. Excuse me. [Music] I finished all the in-progress items, then went on to the in-progress ones, and the bugs that caused the events in the process are also not easy. Yeah, yeah, time passes slowly with Mr. Kobol. [Music] How many days have I slept? I guess it’s okay if I make a mistake. I saved it . If I made a mistake, the save will appear and I can go back. So this is it for now. After some time passes, I’ll try that Harumaki-san thing. Fast travel. Instead, I’m going to go a little closer and run around. [ Music] Oh yeah, right now I’m playing the DLC and I ran into a bug. Let’s go see Virgil. Maybe that’s a good idea. It’s a bug, right now, everyone. I walked a lot. I’d rather fight. You’re great. You shouldn’t do quick saves. Maybe it’s because I just started playing Angel Slot. I put it in today. I put it in today before I started streaming this. It’s better to use a normal save instead of the normal quick save that lasts the whole game.I started streaming with the installation installed.Maybe this has something to do with it.It might be related.The cause may be subtle, but the one who downloaded it once. But the installation itself is finished , but I haven’t restarted it or anything.I left the game on.I thought it might be a good idea to leave the clean save data, but I saved it and went back. Improvements are needed, but it looks like the conditions have been successfully met. Wow, this is a very important first step. It took many years to turn F into a pa, but I’m grateful to Virgil Po. I don’t mind if you use the lab I have . If you like, you can use Garruk freely. I’ve grown a lot of fruit in the meantime, so I’m noisy. Just cut this out. It’s not that big of a deal. I feel like I can use this one now. Now that you can get this , the critical damage dealt by energy weapons has been increased by 5%. [ Music] No, if it was Gesu, all the space would be free, but I’d pay it every month. Well , I paid all at once and haven’t paid yet, but it’s okay . It’s a bit of a hassle here, so I can’t go there. Well, I’ll try going from here. Sorry, but I’m a little busy right now. So , yeah , yeah, what should I do? It’s far away, but where should I go? I’m going from Bunker Hill. I can’t go from there. Well, let’s try going from Bunker Hill. Dead Space Dead Space or Dead Space is interesting. Everyone is playing it. It’s better. You can do quick saves. Yeah , the information is too hard to use. Compared to the monuments in downtown Washington, D.C. I have to see what’s inside here . I’ll have to do it in the morning. Good glasses. I definitely put it on Even after I put it in and everything became true, I couldn’t put it in. It ‘s scary because it’s a su action game that’s been banned in Japan. It ‘s dangerous. I ‘m going to take this. It’s easy to say that it’s Japanese if you guess a little bit.I don’t really understand the error.I just looked at it a little more and I started hating it.It’s because it’s the same after all.Please forgive me if I didn’t include it.I also added it. It’s so hard to find the bugs If I can get the bugs, I ‘ll have cleared the game. I want to get them by mistake. I’m really nervous. That’s right, no, it’s wrong. [Music] That’s okay. I wonder if there’s an enemy? We’re getting closer. We’re getting closer. If this doesn’t work, well, I can just relog in this state. It’s not a relog. [Music] Ah [Music] I [Music] [Music] Wait, wait, everyone’s hopeful. Don’t say it inside , you can’t do it. Look, it doesn’t work. If it doesn’t work, fast travel. What’s the point? One more time. This is all floating around. The first one was still better. This isn’t good anymore. Add to this. I uninstall it and where do I go back from ? Uninstall it again and fast travel anywhere, anywhere is fine. I see. Now I can fast travel and then just come back again. Or… Leave it for a while and then go back Yeah yeah yeah If you leave it for about a week, it will disappear [Music] A robot that lets you eat after work Simple things [Music] It won’t disappear normally [Music] Let’s move on to the robot. It’ll all be over in one day [Music] That ‘s right. I’ll go back in a day. I hope I’m not one of the androids who came here to spy on me, but I’ll go. If I go, then I’ll be the same. It’s progressing, so anyway, it’s not raining. Is it strange that Ada-chan is still floating? I want to erase it. I want to erase it. I see. I don’t want to take away the legend, I want to erase it. [Music] Da-chan leaks, but then he collapses. [Music] Oh yeah, yeah, Ed-chan was originally alive . Les-san, Kobol and some extra things are attached to him, but it’s okay. [Music] I didn’t even say Bolt. It’s not that, it’s not that, it’s not what. It doesn’t suit me and it’s a shame, but I have to work hard all day today. Why are you doing this? I thought I was going to be able to move on. Aid-chan seemed to be doing okay. Originally, I was just saying Sae. But you probably won’t understand what happens after that unless you try it. Yeah, it’s the same for the rest of your life . How many people have a bug with Jima-san Conbol now? There’s a bug after the DLC is added. I wonder if they can solve it or not. I’m doing this , Mita-san, Kobol and I have finished the work properly today. I don’t know where the bug is and the damage is, so don’t do it again. I ‘ll uninstall and install it. I ‘ll finish it by next time. No, if it’s a bug where the Hoshi Tahandi doesn’t work at all, then Handy means Codsworth, Codsworth, or just what I was talking about earlier , because nothing has started yet. Is it okay to uninstall and install? I don’t know if Handesraster doesn’t work or something, but I’ll try uninstalling and installing . If it still doesn’t work, I’ll move on. I’ll do that separately today. There’s no reason why I absolutely have to do it, so what do you think? By the way, I’d like to know what that DLC is. If you don’t mind, I ‘d like to know, uh, Automatron. Is it something called Automatron ? Automatic Automatron I installed Automaton and cleared the other DLCs. It’s okay to do it at the end after clearing the other DLCs. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah, I don’t fight. I quit without a fight. Quit or quit. It’s already a bug. I’m going to continue in the same state as before. If it’s going to be like that again next time, if it’s going to be like that next time, then it’s going to be like that again. Is it okay if I try to advance through the previous pictures even in this state ? Let’s just do it. It’s getting too difficult and I’m already getting bored. I’m sorry , but it’s automatic. Thank you. Thank you, everyone. Yeah, yeah, that’s right. Ah, simply, ah, let’s do the simple things first. Fighting against lag isn’t fun. It’s definitely not for me . Ah, Himegami-san. Is Himegami-san okay? Nice to meet you, Kobol. Now, there’s a bit of a bug, and I’m adding DLC ​​today. I was going to play Automatron, but it turned out to be buggy , so I’m going out of my way right now.I’m going to do some things from now on, so please take a look at it if you’d like. It’s a quiz for a class, so if you do it, things will be easier. Yeah, yeah, it’s a quiz for robot subjects, so I can’t do it next time, so I’m going to do a little automaton next time . I’m going to install it and do an automaton. It’s a battle between you and the bugs It’s a battle between you and the bugs, so it seems like there are people who are still affected by the bugs even after clearing Automatron.Maybe it ‘s a little easier for bugs to appear.Worst , if you use the console command, it will rollback . [Music] I’m sitting there feeling like I’ve lost everything in my life, but it’s funny. Who is Mercy? Who ‘s sitting there? Oh, where are we going? That sea has already gone. I thought it was a game, so I bought it on the day I bought the DLC. I bought it and played it a lot.Ah, I played it a lot.Is it no longer playing?It’s pretty good.Everyone is coming back.Everyone is coming to watch it now, so this channel is broadcasting, oh brother, this is a consumer.It’s not a consumer. Computer [Music] Gepas I’m not a computer consumer 7 is a child who can do it It’s a lot of trouble What’s this all about ? What I did is coming back Next time Yeah, let’s do it next time Yeah, yeah, let’s do that, let ‘s do that It’s really fun to play.I’m that type of person too.It’s my first time playing DLC.But I want to destroy something. [ Music ] Okay, I’ve finished reading it. Well, first of all, wait a second. Wait, Automatron has nothing to do with this. I don’t know about that, so I want to make a rad eraser. I want to make a rad eraser, but where is it? This dimension Where is it ? PlayStation 5 game console game console game console , game console, right? That’s right. I want to make a shower. I want to make a shower. It looks like it’s here. I’m making it for the first time. Where should I make it? I wonder if this place is just right. It ‘s my first time. It ‘s a nuisance. It’s a nuisance. Wait, everyone , don’t disturb me. I need electricity . I’m so happy that I’ve used the switch for the first time.I want to be able to leave it on all the time.I’m relieved that electricity is on the right track . Yes, you can leave the Good Neighbor as a pa . There’s one there . Just put it on, just in case. Let’s put it on. Oh, cash register, Ashibake-san, and Kobol. Look, it’s raining now. It’s raining rats right now. It was all thanks to everyone, so it’s convenient, I’m happy, it’s just noisy , but it’s because of the weather, I’m so happy, I’m so happy, I’m so happy, I’m so happy, I’m so happy, I’m so happy that I eat every time I move, what should I do? [Music] Is it okay to uninstall it even if this situation occurs separately ? Is it not okay ? I’m sorry. Lastly, I want to tell you this. It ‘s now in a state where the robots have been removed. This is a caravan. It’s okay if you don’t have to go back to the point where you find it. You’ll just have to start from the beginning, so you can leave it as is. You’ll be back to the state where you didn’t do anything, so it’s okay . It’s fine. Okay, thank you. I can’t get it on LC . It ‘s still the same. I don’t know how to translate it, so if I install it, it’ll disappear. Yeah, okay. Then, let’s go do something like this. I want to do this. I was just thinking about it , but why is it so troublesome to install it? Why is it so troublesome? You can’t just uninstall and install it. When I say troublesome, I mean the effort is troublesome. Guts. Back up your data. I don’t know where the big data is. I don’t know. Don’t be mean to me. We ‘re working together. I understand. It’s not a hassle at all. It’s okay. Thank you. It’s a difficult task. Unless it’s something like that, it’s not a hassle, so it’s okay. Difficult tasks are a bit of a pain. Adding that mod is a bit of a hassle. If you think it’s a bit of a hassle , just save it. I’ll lie and watch it for you, so don’t worry. I’ll listen to the radio and ask you. Let’s go somewhere we haven’t been before . [ Music] I see. I haven’t been to this place . Is it better to go from Pinch Farm? [Music] You can watch the drama on Prime. Yeah, I haven’t seen it yet. Okay , so I got a protector, so I thought there were a lot of bugs in Fallout, but I do n’t even know if it’s something I’m thankful for because I don’t think I’ve encountered that many bugs. No, I wish there were more. If it were true, [music] would have been out, and the dog is gone. I’m embarrassed to be here. There’s no other way to say it. Recently, at level 70, I finally met Ni. I finally met Ni. I went there, but it was full of bugs.Yeah, yeah, I dropped something.I just didn’t notice it, and the bugs just kept getting stuck.Scary, scary, scary, scary.They say really scary things, so how many times have they encountered bugs?It’s true, isn’t it? Nene, I don’t like it, so I’m carrying a shotgun. This, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and the other guy , I don’t like him, he’s got a shotgun, he seems to have forgotten to bring his water, he ‘s just not set it up. That’s the bug, that’s the bug , that’s the bug, that’s the bug. We jumped together. I was surprised. I was surprised. Please stop a little more. I thought you were saying something. I was surprised that the meat only needs to recover a little. What should I do? Oh no, it’s terrible. It’s a legend, everyone , I might die, my health is terrible, it’s terrible, it’s terrible. Hey Makre, what are you doing? I’m going to die. I knew this . I knew I was going to die now. Where’s Cebu? Where from here? From here ? It’s okay. Clothes are weak, so look for something and change your weapon. [ Music] Yes, I have it. [Applause] I have it , but come on, thank you . Well, I thought I’d shoot Handy, but I couldn’t attack, but I saved. The moment Teru-san told me, I was about to get amused. You were here. I don’t want to wait. I don’t want to wait. The way I look… I can’t, I’m scared of what I’m wearing right now. Seriously, Handy will take care of it for me. Let’s head to a destination I don’t know anymore . I hate all bugs. Hey , there they are. This isn’t this. There’s no legend. Oh , they’re coming. You made a mistake in waking me up. Please do something. They’ve found me. Are they being attacked ? I haven’t set the water again. Let’s save. [Music] Let ‘s keep going. [Applause] That’s not true. It’s very rare to be attacked in that water. [Music] [Applause] I guess. Thank you for the save. There’s Hatron. Wait, the destination is completely different. I’m fine, Sarto. [Applause] There was a salon or something like that. I just saved it. [ Applause] That’s scary, so it came from the water. [Applause] Wait for it . It was shooting the wrong thing. Don’t startle me, Radar Drum. Oh, hey, this isn’t the local area either. We’re fighting here, right here, right? Wait a minute, we’re not fighting anymore. We’ll do what we can. Why is that thing always coming back? Where is the enemy? [Music] I’m going to play that [music] thing, but I can’t hear Assaultron’s voice. There was Assaultron over there, but Assaultron was there. Why are you laughing at Kosanko? Leave it to me and give up already. Come back! Change the drone. Time’s up. There was an assault. I’ll follow the bones in my body. Save Save I saved , so I’m here for the assault . I’m doing it, but I fell down . Oh, I did it, but I saved earlier. Hey, he hasn’t been attacked, he’s strong. He woke up. He woke up . What should I do? It seems like people are strong. He makes me do something that I shouldn’t have done at all. I made a mistake . I didn’t skip or skip it. I’ve done this hundreds of times. It’s going to change a little bit, a little bit , a little bit at a time , and you’ll have to reload at some point. Please be careful . How much time do I have left, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, wait a minute, wait a minute , I think I broke my bone and couldn’t move. I’m shooting again . I don’t know what this is, but I ‘m going to play [music]. No, no, no, hey, it’s an accident. If it’s an accident, then what I just did is an accident. I’m disappointed. Is Last Devil a downloadable content company? It’s the first time I’ve heard of it, but it’s just licking and licking . Give me a warm-up. What do I want you to remember about this game? What did the characters say about crossing? And what does it actually mean ? Are the people who appeared in Automaron okay? What they got there, they ca n’t get it. There’s no need to do it. It’s okay, what ‘s left ? [Music] It doesn’t seem to matter. If I uninstall it, everything will disappear. I feel like I don’t need to do anything. It’s a little too strong. It was a robot, so it’s probably not a problem. But if I uninstall it, You’ll be surprised what you got. You need to do something. Lady. What are you doing? Help me. It ‘s not McCready . It’s a matter of fun. Leave it to me . But while I’m playing this game, I can do an installation.I think I can do it right away.I think I can do it right away.I can install it right away.I can just sell my equipment.Wait , wait, I can install it.It ‘s like installing a game. I can’t uninstall it while the game is running. I’ll have to reload it someday , but shouldn’t I do it carefully ? It seems like I can’t do it while the game is running, so I guess I can wait until it’s finished, thanks. The fireworks aren’t empty , there’s no water , they’re making you suffer Oh, that’s true. There’s something wrong with the story. It’s a lucky hit. I can’t raise it. It doesn’t hit. It doesn’t hit. It doesn’t hit. Nana-chan is the only one injured. No, no, it was a big mistake. Solved it. Where did Chi’s [ __ ] go? Look, he was there. Hey, little [ __ ]. Wait a minute. There’s already a grenade. I’m coming. Find out soon, fireworks. I don’t think it’s a good idea to be out there being attacked. I ‘m dead. Can you hear me? [Music] I’m not going to die . Someday I ‘m going to have to reload. I’m not hitting anything. [Music] Where is this? Where is this? [Music] This is it . Thank you for the assault . That thing is dead. I’m sure it was just the one from earlier. Thank you everyone, there are no bugs, there were some people, and now that I think about it, there were other people, too, so maybe there’s nothing I can do about it. I guess the same thing will happen even if I install [music]. That’s right , so save it and go. It was originally in a state where it was progressing, but when it started , it just looked like normal. It was supposed to talk to you normally. It doesn’t matter whether it’s in that state or the state it was in just now. [Music] Make sure to put a smile after the name of this person. That’s right, Eda-chan herself did n’t have any problems. No, it’s falling, it’s not falling, it’s not falling, it’s falling, it’s not falling, it’s not falling, it’s falling, I can take it, I can take it, everyone can take it, but I can take it. Thank you for your cooperation. I was also prepared to go this far. It’s not okay, it’s not okay. Where is it, but I couldn’t even get it off a while ago, so don’t call it a tokusatsu. I don’t think anyone should use it . I’m good, I’m good, I’ll keep going . My friends didn’t survive the attack. I think it’s over. It’s not blowing. So I guess I took everything I could, so what should I do? My friends didn’t survive the attack . Thank you for your cooperation. It ‘s okay because the Last Devil did his best. The physical damage was minimal, but I feel sad and angry over the loss of my friend. This may be a strange thing for a robot to say, but They were family . Thank you again for your help. They should be grateful as well. That’s right. It’s a part of Eda. It’s a shame. I’m sorry for my friend. My name is Ei. This is the third time they’ve been attacked by those robots. Even though Jackson has upgraded their weapons and detection capabilities, they haven’t been able to protect them . Tell me about the robots. Tell me about the robots. They claim to restore order and the Federation. I’ve seen them fighting raiders, but they’re also attacking innocent people, civilians and merchants, and I know that if I leave a caravan like this in the Federation, I run the risk of encountering hostile robots again. If only I had made the decision to leave, wait a minute, don’t attack me, don’t attack me, the probability of an attack was high.I should have forced my departure.Justice for my friends as Tsuna. Stop that robot from causing more damage. It’s time to uncover the source of the signal and confront the Mechanist . You’ll need help. If you want to succeed, you need help. You’re willing to help others . Please help me stop the Mechanist.In return, I will give you the blueprints to build a robot workbench so that you can get additional resources for this task.I want to review this.You can review it. I want to review what I want to do, right? I admit that I have two goals. If I stop the Mechanist, I can protect the Federation and my fallen friend’s enemy. I won’t rest until the threat is gone.I have to repay their debt.The last time I saw a group of Mechanist robots was at the General Atomics factory, where I might be able to get some information that could lead me to the Mechanist. If you give me permission, I’ll accompany you and help you.Okay, Macready.That’s what I’m going to leave you here, so Macready.I guess I’ll leave it here.Thank you.Is there a place I can use until you get back ?That ‘s fine.Sanctuary . Let’s go to Lee. I know a lot about the settlement. I hope I can be of help there . There’s a lot of things I can do with that guy who mods robots. If you can modify Ada-chan, I’ll give Eda-chan a McDonald’s McDonald’s. Don’t worry about it if you’re going to leave your workbench lying around. What’s the point in picking up junk? Well, let’s go home . I wonder if I’ve taken everything. I can move on. There are 11 people here in Sanctuary. I guess it’s because I’m too tired that robots are already here. All the robots in this world will be able to be modified. That’s amazing. He was the leader who created nothingness, but without Nachan, who is he? Well, Ada-chan is different, isn’t it ? The one who took her clothes off, or Zoi Zoi , or whoever. As long as they don’t say there aren’t enough beds, it’s okay . Codsworth and Cod are fine . That ‘s how it happened, I was totally neglecting it, I wasn’t thinking about anything . [Music] It’s not broken. [Music] It’s completely broken . You can do things like that . What is this robot? Oh robot armor robot goggles Hiromu-san Conbol and now I’m doing that. I’m playing the DLC. Please take your time to watch it . Chest pieces are armor. Robot chest [Music] Piece Slacks are ok. Ah, I wonder if this is okay. There’s a lot of rats. Yeah, it’s wonderful, it’s such a mistake [ Music] When you defeat a strong enemy robot, you get stronger parts. Those things are parts. These parts are parts. But they are all parts. This is a robot chest piece. This is not something Nana-chan uses. It’s called a robot . Robot Armor Robot Armor Ah, equip it to a human companion. It feels like a robot armor. I see. I see. This one is good. It’s strong . Assault’s [music] I see. Ah, at the end, there’s a robot armor at the base. Well, I understand that everything here is going to be attacked by humans. Thank you. I understand. [Applause] Well then , uh, McCready. I’m sorry, but I’m relieved that you’re on the right track. Good Neighbor. It seems like it was quite difficult over there, where the open mind is starting to wear off. That’s probably an understatement. I guess you can understand why I say it’s tiring to sleep with the door open. Still, it’s convenient to use as a base. Some of the people in Diamond City who were there would have been kicked out of the city, and the Federation wasn’t the kind of place you could put on by yourself when you didn’t have enough Caps. Something was starting to happen. It’s not all about money. Caps are even risking their lives. It’s not a thing , it’s cheap, but right now I need as many caps as possible. I’m not getting into trouble. No, no, no, I don’t usually say this to other people. But since you’re being honest about things, it makes sense for me to be honest too.Those two fuckers I was talking about on the third rail, Winlock and Barnes. Remember, customers have been coming to me for months now, and I ‘m losing customers because of that. If they found out I used to hang out with the Gunners, no one would want to touch me, so that’s enough money. I thought I could collect the caps and buy them out.The robot parts are in the mod.Okay thanks He’s always taking the Gunners around to small stages. He might just get Cap and put a hole in my head just in case. If I specify a place to meet, he’ll bring his entire entourage with him. Or maybe you and I could just go out to them and finish them off before they do anything to us.Before you get that disgruntled look, I just don’t trust you. It’s a suggestion I never made, but I can’t help it, but if you need help, you can leave it to me.It’s not that I wanted to, but it’s because the people I’ve met have done things that I haven’t been able to do since I was a child. Thanks for trying to hold the knife up, but you’re not.In fact, we agree on most things, and I think you care about what happens to me, which is why I asked you to help me. So let’s do this. This should be an easy place to live. If you want to help, head to the Mass Pike Interchange. We’ll crush them there. And if you don’t, thank you for listening to us. It feels good just to know that you’re doing for me, but it’s different. Just accept it just once. I’ll need it, so thank you. Well, let’s break up. Let’s end this already. It seems like we’ve committed a big mistake, but it’s your funeral. If you change your mind, please come and see me. I was told some pretty harsh things, but I guess we don’t have enough beds . What should we do? We’re fine here. We’re fine with the cat. I’m sure grateful, Nana-chan. The way you said it was strange, so they started making a lot of noise about the funeral.It ‘s hard to tell if you’re trying to hide your shyness.If you don’t say something straight about how you’re hiding your shyness , I’ll make you a sleeping bag.Oh, and there ‘s a new prefabricated one already made. Okay, I was surprised that it wasn’t this one, but this one. I was surprised that there were so many that I didn’t know what to do. What kind of American sleeping bag is this? Is this concrete? Is it a concrete floor ? It’s fine for now. I feel sorry for her , but I can’t use concrete , so it’s hard to stop. I can’t put anything on top of it. I don’t know what to do with it. I guess I’ll just force it here. It looks like it’s protruding a lot. What should I do with the protrusion? [Music] That’s right. I won’t know unless you put it in the water . I don’t know what to do with the dryer. I also need glass. I don’t want to leave it here. It’s a nuisance. I’ll put it somewhere around here. For now, it’s my home, so I’m at my wits’ end. I need a fire in an apartment building.I wonder if something like this is okay.I’m a little concerned about this.It’s stuck out.I want it to be in the morning.I want it to be in the morning.This isn’t right.It might not be possible.What should I do? [Music] I wonder what I should do? [Music] That’s right, I only move in the morning and at night. But I don’t want to get up on the terrace. It’s hard to use. What ‘s wrong with it? It’s good that I can see it . It’s good. Do what you want to do. [Music] That’s right, this is no good. I wonder if it’s the weird thing that doesn’t stick that’s bothering me [Music] Yeah, that’s it, that’s what it’s like. It ‘s strange that it’s sticking out too, and I’m starting to want to quit, I’m starting to want to quit , I’m starting to want to quit, no, no. [Music] You’re starting to say strange things again . You’re the one who can’t do it if you don’t do it. You’re the one who can’t do it. You’re definitely going to fail . I love Chinese food. I don’t want to do it anymore. What are you doing [music]? I was thinking of saying this, but everyone and the people watching don’t understand what I mean. I know that. I know that you’re wondering what I’m being shown. I want everyone to hold back for just a little while. [Music] I don’t like this time. [Music] [Music] I don’t like this time. Let’s do it in the morning . Okay, wait a minute, I’ll close the curtains and turn on the light. [ Music] I want you to know that everyone is in bed. I’m complaining about this [Music] It’s not an easy life, but even though I’m playing games and there’s no greenery here [Music] I’m not feeling that bad . As an architect who understands [applause], the roses are certainly cute with their hard work. Come to think of it , all the cows are free. They’re here. It ‘s fine here. They don’t stand here neatly. They can be placed right now. Right, I’m really curious why I couldn’t put it down for a moment , but that’s fine.For now, just for now , I ‘m going to push you.It ‘s cute . Well then , this is fine. It’s fine. I can finally climb it. I can’t climb it. I need stairs. It does n’t matter anymore . No more people can come in. No more people can come in here. I don’t need this anymore. Can I destroy this? It’s broken. It’s broken. Can I delete it? Really? What are you talking about? I can finally go to Eda-chan. Where was Eda-chan? [Music] Where was Ada-chan? [Music] Where was Ada- chan? Where was she? Where was Ada-chan? Where was Ada- chan? But it’s different, that’s what I called you [music] , you’re a genius, you’re all a genius, where are you? I wonder if you’ve come yet? Even later, the world is bigger than Strong knows. Strong is the milk of human kindness. I want him to find me. It looks like he just hasn’t arrived . He just needs to sleep . He’s a weak leader. He can be summoned by building a robot workbench. The robot workbench is safe even outside. It breaks when attacked. This, this, this. It’s broken. It’s broken . I can’t use it. I’ll never use this. It’s big, so maybe it’s better outside. I’ll put it here. No , this one’s fine. I won’t use it. [Music] This is this. I’ll put it in the middle. Okay , what do you mean, what do you mean, if there’s a materials festival, Ada-chan can’t make it? What do you mean? What do you mean? I’m sorry, I don’t understand, I don’t understand, I ‘m going to make it Ada, I just called Ada here. Ah, I lost someone. That’s okay. Let’s go together. I understand. It’s time to leave. That’s great. I’ll do my best to do my best. Eda-chan can be modified . Ada can be modified, so it’s okay to make her stronger. This is what we have now. First of all , I don’t know what it means to make Ada float, but ah [music] and ah, ah, but this is not a convergence condition, ah, ah, white is also good, what is this, white, not white, this is white. I don’t need anything . Eda-chan is a woman. If I’m going to do it in power armor, I can do it until the prototype is gone. I can’t do this . I see that it’s done. I was a little worried. It’s getting hard to see. LLB LB LB rotation This is more I want to turn it to the right, turn it to the right . Hey, I want to turn it to the right. Hey, the clippers have changed places. Ah, I understand. I don’t know. [Music] But oh, I see. I’m the Sentry now . [Music] Hey, what should I do to make it stronger? Is it a flame thrower that I can’t make ? I wonder if this will also hit Sanana-chan? Maximum distance has decreased Maximum distance What is it now? Laser Laser This should be interesting I wonder what they’ll make next [Music] I wonder if the head that can’t stop the bullets should be made with Tartron.The body shouldn’t be as big as it is now.I see.I don’t know if this is okay or not. [Music] Yeah, it’s falling. It’s like I’m getting a teruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ​ f​ but he can fight pretty well. Okay, this kid can run. He ran . Please call out to me and ask me.Do you need something?I see that you can use your legs as assault.Stop your self-destructive personality.Don’t worry.It’s not a problem for now.Let’s hurry.I know Riri’s voice.This and that now. Isn’t it a Protectron ? What do you mean it’s not a Protectron? Isn’t it a Protectron? Is it not an Assaultron? It’s not like it doesn’t exist yet. I have to find it. I see. I get it. I get it. Okay . These are the two types. I don’t have it unless I can make it.Well , handicapped ones are faster. Handicapped ones are faster, but maybe they’re not as strong. Handicapped ones can keep up with Codsworth’s speed, so I hear they can keep up with them . Surprisingly fast, it’s better to have a handicap that’s faster. What’s the evaluation? It’s weak in terms of reinforcement, it’s weak, it’s brittle, it’s fragile, you have to wait a little while and say it after you make it. Do it here. How much cleaning does the waist armor have? That ‘s what’s going on. That’s what it is. That’s what happened. It ‘s all gone. Okay, Handy is a little sad. It’s like there’s nothing there. [Music] Okay, so what about the position and orientation of the workbench? If you look here, it’s stuck together. It’s stuck together. Yeah , it looks weird when you look at it from here [Music] Well, if you put it here, it’ll be facing the same way, right? [Music] It looks like that , it looks like that, no, no, but the camera is set to LB, right? Even if I push it, it doesn’t do anything. It rotates . There must be something. I think there’s something there. Is it okay? I can’t do it. No, no, it’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay. Parts. When selecting parts, LP says L, no, no, no screws [music] no , no, no, no, no, no, no, it’s okay, thank you, I couldn’t do it. Maybe there’s something I’m not doing. Well, I’ll check out the General Atomics factory. No, this is it. No , let’s do this next time. It won’t be over in 30 minutes. Let ‘s go to the strong, strong part. So, please give me a topic. Well, I’m doing something, so you can all talk. Okay, we can chat. Spicy-san, we can have a chat. Then , uh, there’s something going on. I was just meeting up with Kiko-san. By the way, I forgot. I forgot about it, so I went to see Tako-san, and she remembered very well, but I accidentally forgot about it . [Laughs] Everyone remembered it. Come to think of it, there was a fireworks festival, Fuha Festival, and it was night again. It’s night again, so go somewhere to rest. Isn’t there a chair? Is there a chair? Please give me a break, my arms are a little tight. Please give me a break. It’s strong, strong, strong, is that it? Wait a minute, your destruction is your eyes. Please give me a break. Give me a break , I’ve lost sight of my target . Don’t put it down. Do n’t put it down. I can’t sit down. There’s still something there . It’s still there. It’s biting me in the crook . I’m being bitten. I made it pink . Oh, I’m tired. I’m tired. Hey-chan. I ‘m ready to go inside. I was planning to join up with you, but you’re the one with the identification number X688.We’ve already taken control of the surrounding sentries.We can begin the attack as soon as you give us your instructions.I love you.Okay, let’s go.Okay, let’s go.Let’s cover. That ‘s why, okay, okay, don’t just say one thing, but make sure to save it. Thank you. [Applause] Where are you going ? Where are you going? Here, where are you going? It’s not like you’re going to show up. [Music] Is that what you mean ? I’m Grene . But let’s try this. It won’t work. I’ll give it a break. It’s not personal. Oh, wait a minute, what’s so strong about Cho-chan? Is Cho- chan’s role strong ? What makes her so strong? She’s gone for a while now. It doesn’t matter. The enemy is strong. It’s far away , and it’s as weak as Jupiter . It’s better to take it away. It might be a little dangerous. It might be dangerous. It’s hit, it’s not hit, it’s not hit. I ‘ll have to take a closer look. I’m going to use it, I’m going to use it, I’m going to use it, I’m going to use it weakly, I’m going to win, oh, where, where, where, where are you , oh, oh, save , and I’m going down the stairs, I know this guy’s feet can go No, wait a minute, I’m not a courser. What are you doing right now? It ‘s a little too interesting. It’s too interesting. Oh, it ‘s a legend . I thought you’d be praising me. What, what, what, what? Who is Robo? It’s Robo, but it’s okay. I’m here, my wife, are you okay? You look terrible, where are you ? I don’t know , I’m going to shoot you, give up if you fall [music] It’s nothing , dead, dead , wait, wait, what am I panicking about? Right , where, where, where from here? Okay, the legendary spot earlier was dangerous because the mini Miku was flying at me, right? [Music] I feel like I’m being kicked. It’s coming up, it’s coming up, don’t get caught, get caught. I know the location of the target. I ‘ll take care of the enemy target. Let’s leave it to you. [Music] It’s a hit. It’s not a hit . It’s a hit . It’s not weak at all. This weapon won’t let you down. Ada-chan. Make a sexy voice. It’s okay. This is it. It’s just a woom up, stop it , it’s strong. What should I do? I’m going to push too hard again, and I’m going to get angry. Wait , I’m here. I don’t know what to do, but I should n’t push. I can’t push. I’ll leave it to you . I’ll warp a little. The end. It’s too bad to do this alone. Yeah, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, Nana-chan, Nana-chan, wait, wait, I can’t wait , I ‘m getting beaten up, it’s okay, it’s okay, E-chan, I don’t think I’m hitting the mark. Oh wait, I lost my arm, my arm is sagging, I’m in trouble, I’m in trouble, right? Kosa, what’s going on, Sasa-san, let’s end this ? I pressed the wrong button. I pressed the wrong button. It’s okay. E-chan isn’t in tatters either. I haven’t lost my body, haven’t I ? A lot of things have been taken away, but the legend has gone. I can’t do a lot of things because I can’t do it anymore. A lot of things have been taken away from me. If I don’t have confidence, I wonder where I am. I’ve lost track of where I am. But I ‘m not giving up. [Music] Well, only my head is sticking out here. [Music] [Music] The protocol begins. [Music] Oh, I’m falling. I’m falling. I’m going to help you. I don’t know if you’re okay, but robot. I don’t really understand whether it ‘s made to be able to swim.I don’t really understand.Well, let ‘s finish up the shotgun and the Deliverer Church.I don’t understand the legendary weapons.I don’t know what that thing is.I wonder what that thing is. I can’t walk, I can’t walk, I can’t walk anymore, this is fine, it’s broken, it’s broken, it’s broken. Well, I’ll go with this. Stop the legend. Where are you? [Applause] Ah, I’m falling. Why, why are you like that? What’s wrong? Sorry, self-destruction, self-destruction. For now, I just want to take the legend. [Music] I don’t want to end it. I’m sad about this, so I’ll end it. It’s starting to look like it’s going to crash . It’s dead. It’s not going to fit at all . It’s a waste. It looks like Devara would be fine . I still can’t understand it. It’s a big difference. Where did it go? It’s gone. It’s gone. If I die in the water , wait a minute. It’s a lie. It ‘s a lie. I did it. I tried my best to defeat it, but there was no battle. It’s a lie. Where was it floating? Where will it change? Where will it float? I can’t say it’s not floating anymore. It’s not here, it’s not here. [Applause] I’ve lost track of it . Ah, but this is different. This is different. Nana-chan is going to die. This is the place to go. Hit it and you ‘re lost . Meat, automation, etc. are just weapons. It happened , it happened, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry , I think I’ll end it today Concerts that end suddenly This is not the place to come to a concert This place, thank you everyone. Da-chan’s quest is different. I’m glad that Eda-chan’s previous one is progressing. Next time I’ll continue what I did here and do Eda-chan’s quest. The next time is also scheduled for Friday, so it’ll probably be Friday. It’s scheduled from 5:15 to 3:00 , so wait , let’s do this, right? Then we’ll proceed with the main, and when the main is finished, we ‘ll do the downloadable content DLC. It ended with an explosion. It ended beautifully. What’s going on today? What I did today is that I got into that Institute.That’s right.That’s right, that’s right.That’s right.That’s right.That’s right.That ‘s right.I’m going to go ahead with the main course other than that, so I got into the Institute, so I’ll do the continuation next time. Yeah , I’m glad I fixed the bug. I’m really glad it was resolved. I had fun today too. [Music] Let’s do our best to start getting new shotguns. Ah, I hope I can get a good shotgun. See you next time. It’s been too long to talk about Acha at the live show, so I’ll see you at the next live show. Thank you very much for today. If you liked it, please hit the thumbs up button and go home. Bye-bye.



【Fallout4 フォールアウト4】





#Fallout4 #ベリーハード #DLC #ゲームパス #アプデ #女性実況 #女性配信者


  1. お疲れ様でした。ショーンはびっくりですよね、どう考えるかですよね、この世界で実際に生きていたらインスティチュートの技術は大事だと私はおもんですよね。エイダさんは私の最高の相棒ですね、強化も出来るしなんと言ってもジャンクを拾ってもネガティブな事は言わないんですよ、最高の相棒です。👍

  2. コンソールでマトロンとボルトテック入れるとバグが連発するらしい!入れなくてもバグリまくるけど😊MOD楽しいです

  3. 配信お疲れ様でした。ロボット関係はパワーアーマー関連と同じく、パッと見だと分かりにくくて私も「どうするんだコレ」状態でしたが、理解できてくるときっと楽しくなるかと思います『習うより慣れろ』で👍